I want to Call a Dialog Function from another Class File in flutter what is the Proper Way of doing That...


 import 'package:eg/eg/dialog_file.dart'

    floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
            onPressed: () {
            // This is where I want to call the function
            backgroundColor: Colors.black,
            child: Container(
              child: Icon(
                size: 23,
                color: Colors.white,



    showMyDialog(parentContext) {
    return showDialog(
      context: parentContext,
      builder: (context) {
        return SimpleDialog(
          title: Text("Title"),
          children: <Widget>[
              child: Text("Option1"),
              onPressed: function1,
              child: Text("Option2"),
              onPressed: function2,
              child: Text("Option3"),
              onPressed: function3,

So the Dialog Function have onPressed Functions that are in the File2 so I am unable to write a custom dialog Function in File1

how could I achieve this?

  • You should provide some more context so I can be of better help. However, if you make the 'showMyDialog' method static, then 'File2.showMyDialog();' You can run the dialog by doing
    – Salih Can
    Jul 24, 2021 at 4:11
  • @SalihCan it does not work 'function1', 'function2' and 'function3' gives the error "Instance members can't be accessed from a static method. Try removing the reference to the instance member, or removing the keyword 'static' from the method." Jul 24, 2021 at 4:30
  • The code you provided doesn't quite do what you want to do, so I can only offer limited help. According to the error you should make function1,2,3 static.
    – Salih Can
    Jul 24, 2021 at 4:37

2 Answers 2


You don't mention where your function1 etc... come from but in general here is one way call a dialog from another class. I make them static so I don't have to create an instance of the class.

class Dialogs {
  static Future<void> showMyDialog(parentContext) {
    return showDialog(
      context: parentContext,
      builder: (context) {
        return SimpleDialog(
          title: Text("Title"),
          children: <Widget>[
            SimpleDialogOption(child: Text("Option1"), onPressed: () {}),
            SimpleDialogOption(child: Text("Option2"), onPressed: () {}),
            SimpleDialogOption(child: Text("Option3"), onPressed: () {})

And here's an example of a button that will display the above dialog by passing in the context from the build method that it is inside of.

    onPressed: () => Dialogs.showMyDialog(context),
     child: Text('Dialog'),

You should try below answer :

First write your Dialog Function in other class

 Widget build(BuildContext context) {
 return Container(
    color: Colors.white30,
    title: Text(
       style: TextStyle(
       fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      textAlign: TextAlign.center,
    content: Text(
       style: TextStyle(
       fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
      textAlign: TextAlign.center,
    actions: [
        onPressed: () => Navigator.of(context).pop(),
        child: Text('OK'),

Then write dialog class function in other class or where you call it like below:

onPressed: () {
     builder: (context) => CampaignData(),

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