I have a webapp created using C# and asp.net. I placed a parameter value in the querystring with a plus(+) sign. But the plus sign disappear.

How can I include the plus sign(+) in the query string without disappearing?

Please advise.


Edit: added code with UrlEncode

string str = Server.UrlEncode(Requery.QueryString["new"]);
  • actually the value depends from the user input.
    – domlao
    Jul 28, 2011 at 7:58
  • FYI beware the UrlBuilder, it seems a bit useless which is how i stumbled on your question. See stackoverflow.com/questions/24576239/…
    – KCD
    Oct 21, 2015 at 22:51
  • *UriBuilder not Url
    – KCD
    Oct 21, 2015 at 23:00

10 Answers 10


+ sign has a semantic meaning in the query string. It is used to represent a space. Another character that has semantic importance in the query string is & which is used to separate the various var=value pairs in the query string.

Most server side scripts would decode the query parameters before using them, so that a + gets properly converted to a space. Now, if you want a literal + to be present in the query string, you need to specify %2B instead.

+ sign in the query string is URL-decoded to a space. %2B in the query string is URL-decoded to a + sign.

See the difference between




In the above examples, Google's server script is URL-decoding the query parameters and then using them to do the search.

URL-encoding is nothing but % sign followed by the hex-code of the special character. For example, we know that the hex code of A is 0x41 (decimal: 65). Try this:


Hope this makes URL-encoding clear.

So, if you want the + sign to be preserved when a JavaScript is fetching a URL with + signs in its query parameters and a server side script would process the query parameters after URL-decoding it, you should URL-encode the query parameters in the URL before using issuing the HTTP get request so that all + signs are converted to %2B's when the request reaches the server side script. Now when the server side script URL-decodes the query string, all %2B's gets converted back to + signs which is what you want.

See Encode URL in JavaScript? to learn how to URL-encode the parameters using JavaScript. Short answer from the discussion there:

var encodedURL = "http://example.com/foo.php?var=" + encodeURIComponent(param);
  • 2
    How can I replace the + sign to %2B in javascript. Because I'm creating my querystring in javascript.
    – domlao
    Jul 28, 2011 at 7:59

You should URLEncode your query string values to make sure any special characters are not lost.

  • 1
    Like this, string str = Server.UrlEncode(Requery.QueryString["new"]); ? THanks
    – domlao
    Jul 28, 2011 at 7:53
  • Not quite, you need to encode them before putting them in to the query string rather than when you take them back out. How are you setting the values in the query string?
    – DoctorMick
    Jul 28, 2011 at 7:55
  • in Javascript, like $("#btn").click(function(){ var param="c++"; ... });
    – domlao
    Jul 28, 2011 at 7:56

Look at HTML URL Encoding Reference

You need to Encode the + sign - It's value should be %2B

  • + sign is allowed in query parameter value, where it shouldn't be encoded, because it already encodes 'space'
    – ZZ 5
    Jan 29, 2020 at 12:49
  • But '+' means space in a URL. If you want a plus you do need to encode it and Javascript's methods escape() and encodeURI() fail at this.
    – Marc
    Jun 10, 2021 at 6:45

I alter my previous statement so no one gets confused!

Create your url using the Server.UrlEncode. e.g.

string myUrl = "http://myurl?param1="  + Server.UrlEncode("my+param+1");
  • 3
    If it's for a URL, you should URL Encode, Not Html Encode. They are different. Jul 28, 2011 at 7:56
  • I added my querystring in the javascript, is there any possible way to encode it in the javascript?
    – domlao
    Jul 28, 2011 at 7:57

For the solution, I have applied:

Step 1:Use Server.UrlEncode method for encoding the URL parameter. Response.Redirect("YourURL?parameter=Server.UrlEncode(parameterValue.ToString().Trim()");

step 2: on another side, you get a string with a plus(+) sign. var parameter = Request.QueryString["parameterValue"].ToString().Trim();

This is the result: %2beH8 --> +eH8


Other simple way is, Request.Url.ToString().Substring(Request.Url.ToString().IndexOf("=") + 1) assuming that my URL is, http://localhost/MyApp/Activate.aspx?ActivationCode=cHbtqH9P2dDZkx/mYUgFFo7nrNqSFgqdPisAzzu5/nwlEYDOHI+CQw==


before send you parameter, you need check if the parameter contains plus sign, if have you need replace to one flag, for example: the parameter is: klasjdlkasd+djid3223 can you replace: klasjdlkasdFLAGdjid3223

and when you go convert, you need replace angain



Try this, it works for me:


The solution is to ALWAYS include .Replace(" ", "+") when you request querystring

string s = Request.QueryString["id"].Trim().Replace(" ", "+");

source: http://www.webmasterworld.com/forum47/3238.htm


Add this line in Decrypt Funcation:

strText = strText.Replace(" ", "+");
  • 2
    What about the other reserved characters? This solution will only fix the +, and not the ? and & etc
    – John Mc
    Jan 18, 2017 at 15:39

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