I have a single string which contains steps of how to do certain thing. Now I am able to get each step but I am using nested splits so it is getting very long so how can I use loop on it.


   children: [

the string,

"1. Notify affected personnel. 2. Properly shut down machine. 3. Isolate all energy sources. 4. Apply lockout devices, locks, & tags. 5. Verify total de-energization of all sources."

so How can I use loop to reduce the code?

  • How does the data in asset.lockoutApplicationProcess look like exactly? Maybe some combination of map and reduce with generator function for Text Widgets.
    – TmKVU
    Jul 30, 2021 at 13:07
  • I have added the string
    – Pokaboom
    Jul 30, 2021 at 13:09

1 Answer 1


How about this?

// Collect all the data in an indexed list, skipping the first (empty) element
final splitData = asset.lockoutApplicationProcess.split(RegExp(r"\d\.")).asMap().entries.skip(1);

// Create a Text Widget for each entry, prefixed with the index number 
final textWidgets = splitData.map((entry) => Text("${entry.key}. ${entry.value}"));

// Render the Text widgets in a column
return Column(children: textWidgets.toList());

Note that this will only work for single digits (1-9). If the list could potentially grow beyond 9, you should edit the RegExp to take this into account. For example, the regex RegExp(r"\d+\.") will also catch numbers with more than one digit.

  • ok that works like charm thank you for quick solution and mostly the steps won't go beyond 5
    – Pokaboom
    Jul 30, 2021 at 13:24

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