I am building a Modal dynamically. I want to make some buttons in this modal to open a SubModal
. The buttons show up in html, but clicking these buttons does nothing.
Here is my code.
const subtaskList = document.getElementById('subtaskList');
for (const subtaskIndex in task.subtasks) {
const subtaskButton = document.createElement('button');
subtaskButton.onclick = () => {
openSubTaskModal(task.subtasks[subtaskIndex], task);
subtaskButton.innerText = task.subtasks[subtaskIndex].name;
subtaskList.innerHTML += '<br>';
While troubleshooting I made an array to hold the buttons and used console.log() to see its elements. They all had the onclick
function. I've clicked the buttons from the dev console by getting their class name and nothing, so I know it's not a display issue. I feel like I am misunderstanding something and any help would be appreciated.