I'm trying to switch between two views right now. The problem is how it is called.

Heres the easiest way to explain my situation:

I have a Parent View. With a subclass ChildView, that contains a table. Upon selecting an object in that table, I wish to switch to a different child view of that parent view.

Parent--------- |Child 1 |Child 2

Child 1 is a subclass of Parent to allow me to access a method in Parent that switches between Child Views 1 and 2, but for some reason it wont work when accessing it from Child 1.

Any clues on how to do this? Heres the basic code:

Child 1 - (void) changeViews

[super methodToSwitchChildViews];

Parent - (void) methodToSwitchViews

[self.child1.view removeFromSuperView];
[self.view insertSubView:child2.view atindex:0];
  • What do you mean that your child is a subclass of your parent? That would only mean that the child have properties of it's parent, not that it has a connection whit his parent.
    – Cyprian
    Commented Jul 29, 2011 at 6:07

2 Answers 2


Super is the class that precedes a (sub)class in inheritance. Here the children seem to be views on a superview (parent). So use superview, and not super.


Okay, I dug around quite a bit and finally figured out a solution. In case anybody ever has the same problem here's what you do:

In the .h file of the child view do

@class parentViewName

Then in the .m file add

#import "parentViewName.h"


- (void) functionToRemoveSelfFromView {
   parentViewName *PARENT = [[parentViewName alloc] init];

   // You must have a method in the parent view to toggle or remove the subview, the way
   // you want it done, then call it with the new delegate. Make sure it doesn't set this 
   // view to nil or releases it because this method has yet to return. If animating do not
   // hide this view either.

   [PARENT methodToRemoveSelfFromView];
   [PARENT release];

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