Let's say I want to build a large clojure library with several components. As a developer, I would like to keep many of the components in separate namespaces since many helper functions can have similar names. I don't necessarily want to make things private since they may have utility outside in extreme cases and the work-arounds behind private is not good. (In other words, I would like to suggest code usage, not completely prevent usage.)
However, I would like the users of the library to operate in a namespace with a union of a subset of many of the functions in each sub library. What is the idiomatic or best way to do this? One solution that comes to my mind is to write a macro that generates :requires and creates a new var mapping by def'ing a given list of var names (see first code example). Are there tradeoffs with this method such as what happens to extending types? Is there a better way (or builtin)?
Macro example (src/mylib/public.clj):
(ns mylib.public
(:require [mylib.a :as a])
(:require [mylib.b :as b]))
(transfer-to-ns [+ a/+
- b/-
cat b/cat
mapper a/mapper])
Again, to clarify, the end goal would be to have some file in other projects created by users of mylib to be able to make something like (src/someproject/core.clj):
(ns someproject.core
(:require [mylib.public :as mylib]))
(mylib/mapper 'foo 'bar)
@Jeremy Wall, note that your proposed solution does not fullfill my needs. Lets assume the following code exists.
(ns mylib.a)
(defn fa [] :a)
(ns mylib.b)
(defn fb [] :b)
(ns mylib.public
(:use [mylib.a :only [fa]])
(:use [mylib.b :only [fb]]))
somerandomproject/core.clj: (Assume classpaths are set correctly)
(ns somerandomproject.core
(:require [mylib.public :as p])
;; somerandomproject.core=> (p/fa)
;; CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: No such var: p/fa, compiling: (NO_SOURCE_PATH:3)
;; somerandomproject.core=> (mylib.a/fa)
;; :a
If you notice, "using" functions in mylib/public.clj DOES NOT allow public.clj to PROVIDE these vars to the user file somerandomproject/core.clj.