Trying to load data like this(zeek connection data) to pyflink. My problem is the id fields that have a name with a dot because they were originally a tuple in zeek.

  "ts": 1584544201.798601,
  "uid": "CSgDnESdxqqAN88H3",
  "id.orig_h": "",
  "id.orig_p": 64078,
  "id.resp_h": "",
  "id.resp_p": 34329,
  "proto": "udp",
  "conn_state": "S0",
  "missed_bytes": 0,
  "history": "D",
  "orig_pkts": 1,
  "orig_ip_bytes": 542,
  "resp_pkts": 0,
  "resp_ip_bytes": 0

I Would appreciate any help with how to do this.


1 Answer 1


Ben, you can change that dot in Zeek's logging framework if it gets in the way. It's called the "scope separator". Try this in your local.zeek or another script you're loading:

redef Log::default_scope_sep="_";

You can also do this at the command line. For example, if I say

$ zeek -r test.pcap Log::default_scope_sep=_ LogAscii::use_json=T

then I get:


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