I want to organize my firebase cloud functions in specific files, and currently, I have these 3:
- index.ts
- crypto.ts
- webscrape.ts
Inside of these files, I have functions that use specific dependencies that are needed nowhere else.
For example, in crypto.ts I need the crypto-js package to encrypt some user data and store it into the database.
So I am importing it like so:
import * as CryptoJS from "crypto-js";
as advised in https://firebase.google.com/docs/functions/handle-dependencies#typescript
On the other hand, when I try to import puppeteer into webscrape.ts like this:
import * as puppeteer from"puppeteer-extra";
then calling puppeteer.launch();
gives me an error :
Property 'launch' does not exist on type 'typeof import("c:/Users/username/Desktop/project/firebasee/functions/node_modules/puppeteer-extra/dist/index
and it only works when I do const puppeteer = require("puppeteer-extra");
What's the difference here?
My goal is to keep the dependencies of each functions and file/module as small as possible because I assume that this will also keep the size of each function container small (Is that even true?)
I didn't want to import everything to index.ts even when I trigger a function, that doesn't use this dependency at all.
So what is the correct way of handling these dependencies?