Why is this exists check returning different results for pwd versus the other examples? What's happening here?

[me@unixbox1:~/perltests]> cat testopensimple.pl

use strict;
use warnings;

# |<command> for writing
# <command>| for reading

testopen("| pwd");
testopen("pwd |");
testopen("| hostname");
testopen("| cd");
testopen("| sh");
testopen("| sleep 2");

sub testopen {
        my $command = shift;

        print "Exists: " . (-e $command ? "true" : "false") . "\n";
        print "testopen($command)\n";
        eval {
                open(my $fh, $command) or die "$! $@";
                my $data = join('', <$fh>);
                close($fh) or die "$! $@";
                print $data . "\n";
        if ($@) {
                print $@ . "\n";

[me@unixbox1:~/perltests]> perl testopensimple.pl
Exists: true
testopen(| pwd)

Exists: true
testopen(pwd |)

Exists: false
testopen(| hostname)

Exists: false
testopen(| cd)

Exists: false
testopen(| sh)

Exists: false
testopen(| sleep 2)


I'm not convinced that it's a shell built-in vs external command issue. Try it with a command like netstat which is external. pwd is the only command I've found thus far that returns true on the exists check with pipes.

Update 2:

Through the several iterations of testing I was doing, files named '| pwd' and 'pwd |' ended up being created. That explains what I'm seeing. Thanks.


1 Answer 1


-e '| pwd' will only return true if you have a file named | pwd in the current directory.

-e 'pwd |' will only return true if you have a file named pwd | in the current directory.

$ perl -E'say -e "| pwd" ? 1 : 0'

$ touch '| pwd'

$ perl -E'say -e "| pwd" ? 1 : 0'

$ perl -E'say -e "pwd |" ? 1 : 0'

$ touch 'pwd |'

$ perl -E'say -e "pwd |" ? 1 : 0'
  • That seems to be what happened here. I was also doing some testing with open() using < (read) and > (write) indicators which in turn created the '| pwd' and 'pwd |' files. Thanks.
    – user255205
    Aug 1, 2011 at 19:48
  • @user255205: You can do pipes with 3-arg open, specifying |- or -| as the second arg. See the "fortune" example in perldoc.perl.org/perlopentut.html
    – ysth
    Aug 1, 2011 at 20:11

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