
I'm trying to auto-refresh my page when I make changes with broswer-sync and gulp.

So far I have it working with my html but I can't seem to figure it out with my css code too.

I have this line of code in my gulpfile.js that works quite well with ONLY html.

gulp.watch("*.html").on("change", reload);

Any help? Thanks! I've also tried putting *.css into the .watch() function and had no luck. I also have a folder with my css in it named "css".

1 Answer 1


Found the solution!

You cannot see changes with javascript nor CSS. If you want that you'll need to do a live server following https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-live-server


Go download live server in VSCode, you're welcome...

  • You don't need that package to use browsersync and gulp to live update changes to javascript and CSS
    – Sean
    Sep 9, 2021 at 23:53

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