I have two tables "setTearmlyExam.php" and "setTopics.php", what i want to do is this: in the "setTearmlyExam.php" i have a form with two select options, a radio button and a start button. each select option has an option from the database.

what am trying to do here is: when the start button is cliked, its will redirect to the "setTopics.php" and there display all the topics and question using the selected information on the "setTearmlyExam.php". I have two table where am selecting the data that will be displayed in the "setTopics.php"

The olevelguestion: enter image description here

Topics: enter image description here


<form action="setTopics.php " method="POST" class="col s12" center>
    <!-- setTopics.php -->
        <label>Select Term</label>
        <select name="terms" class="browser-default" required>
            <option value="" disabled selected>Select Term</option>
// Selecting terms from database
$select_terms = $db->query("SELECT * FROM term");
if (!$select_terms) {
    die('QUERY FAILED' .mysqli_error($db));
// Ends
// Using while loop tp fatch and loop term titles
while ($row = $select_terms->fetch_assoc()) {
    $termId = $row['termId'];
    $terms = $row['terms'];

    echo "<option value='{$termId}'>{$terms}</option>";
        <label>Select Subject</label>
        <select name="subjects" class="browser-default" required>
            <option value="" disabled selected>Select Subject</option>
// Selecting subjects from database......
$Select_subjects = $db->query("SELECT * 
                                FROM subjects 
                                ORDER BY subj ASC");
if (!$Select_subjects) {
    die("QUERY FAILED" . mysqli_error($db));
// Ends..
// Using while loop to fetch the subjects title
while ($rw = $Select_subjects->fetch_assoc()) {
    $subjId = $rw['subjId'];
    $subj = $rw['subj'];
    echo "<option value='{$subjId}'>{$subj}</option>";
    <div class="ST">
        <div class="col 6">
            <input class="with-gap" name="Examtype" value="O" type="radio" required/>

        <div class="col 12">
                <input class="with-gap" name="Examtype" value="T" type="radio" />
<div class="card-action centerTxt">
    <button class="btn waves-effect waves-light " type="submit" name="start">Start
        <i class="material-icons right">send</i>


<form action="">
    <div class="card-content black-text">
        <span class="card-title centerTxt">
            <h4>Subject Title</h4>
    <!-- Dropdown Trigger -->
    <label for="">
        <h6 class="" style="font-size: 15px; color:black;">CLICK ON EACH TOPIC TO SELECT QUESTIONS. <span style="color:red; font-size: 13px;">Don't Select more than 50 Questions.</span></h6>
    $terms = 'terms';
    $subjects = 'subjects';
    //  $Examtype = $_GET['Examtype'];

    if ($Examtype = 'O') {
        $topics = $db->query('SELECT * FROM topics WHERE  ');
        <h5 class='dropdown-trigger ' style="color:#149fd5;" data-target='dropdown1'>Topics Here</h5>
    <!-- Dropdown Structure -->
        <ul id='dropdown1' class='dropdown-content'>
                    <input type="checkbox" value="" />
<div class="card-action centerTxt">
    <button class="btn waves-effect waves-light " type="submit" name="start">Next
        <i class="material-icons right">send</i>
  • 1
    ok. And specifically what problem are you having? Don't just dump a big piece of code on us and expect us to figure it out...explain your exact issue. Please see also How to Ask for more guidance. Thanks.
    – ADyson
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 11:49
  • the problem am having is this: when it redirect to the setTopics.php page i found it hard to select the two informtion i need, tho have used join but i'm confused on how do go about it Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 12:05
  • Ok. So, which information from the setTearmlyExam form is it supposed to be using in order to select the correct rows from Topics? Just the examType? And/or the subjects? Or what? It's not clear what your criteria are. Please edit the question with a more specific description of the requirements.
    – ADyson
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 12:11
  • the subjects and examtype Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 12:13
  • And which field in the database does "examType" map to? I don't see anything with that name, in your pictures.
    – ADyson
    Commented Sep 15, 2021 at 12:14


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