As demonstrated in this REPL, inserting JSON between <pre> tags results in an error. My question was going to be, "What's up with this error?", but then I realized that the single brackets are seen as executable code by Svelte (duh), so I can't just treat it like HTML.


How can I take this content, which works fine as raw HTML…

  "num": 2,
    "obj": { "foo": "bar" }

and keep the carriage returns so that it renders with white space, like so ↓ ?

  "num": 2,
    "obj": { "foo": "bar" }

Note: My first attempt gets past the error, but wipes out all white space before the pre tag can protect it:


Hopefully I'm missing something bone-headedly simple here. 😬

  • <pre>{JSON.stringify({ "num": 2, "obj": { "foo": "bar" }}, null, 2)}</pre>, or assign it to a variable in the <script> section as a template literal. REPL
    – pilchard
    Sep 20, 2021 at 21:01
  • 1
    Argh! I find it so difficult to remember to include null, 2. Thanks for the reminder, @pilchard!
    – Navelgazer
    Sep 20, 2021 at 21:14

1 Answer 1


These are the three options that come to mind.

A straight template literal inside a code block.

  num: 2,
  obj: { "foo": "bar" }

A template literal declared in the script section

    let json = `{
  num: 2,
  obj: { "foo": "bar" }



<pre>{JSON.stringify({ "num": 2, "obj": { "foo": "bar" }}, null, 2)}</pre>


Also see: Using Svelte, how can I escape curly braces in the HTML?

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