sh jmeter.sh -n -t filePath.jmx -l outFilePath.jtl -e -o folderPath

Error generating the report: org.apache.jmeter.report.dashboard.GenerationException: Error while processing samples: Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Consumer failed with message :Begin size 0 is not equal to fixed size 5

In resume

Consumer failed with message :Begin size 0 is not equal to fixed size 5
  • currently using Java version "17" 2021-09-14 LTS
  • MacOS big SUR version 11.4
  • the properties files are fresh and values are equal to the default ones
  • Jmeter 5.4.1
  • outFile.jtl
1632430450882,1117,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3824,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1111,0,256
1632430450448,1755,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3836,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1755,0,690
1632430450448,1755,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,3,3,Url_hidden,1755,0,690
1632430452312,585,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3836,557,3,3,Url_hidden,585,0,144
1632430452238,758,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3832,557,3,3,Url_hidden,757,0,137
1632430452301,806,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,3,3,Url_hidden,805,0,136
1632430452962,550,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-2,text,true,,3824,557,3,3,Url_hidden,550,0,152
1632430453328,593,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-1,text,true,,3828,557,2,2,Url_hidden,592,0,135
1632430453276,815,HTTP Request,200,OK,FIRST_Jmeter_Test 1-3,text,true,,3840,557,1,1,Url_hidden,814,0,142

The thread run successfully and the jtl file is created as well.

I quite new on Jmeter and tried to see where that "size" attribute is currently locate to see how change it, but could not find it on any *.properties file

any though how can be this fixed, what the message is referring to?


  • I have the same issue with a fresh install. I will try have a poke around to see what I can find out Commented Sep 23, 2021 at 17:55
  • 1
    I'm having the exact same issue with a brand new install of jmeter. macOS 10.14.6 / java 17 2021-09-14 LTS
    – ranvel
    Commented Sep 24, 2021 at 1:31
  • same issue on windows with Java 17. I've installed Java 16 and now is all good
    – Artur
    Commented Dec 28, 2021 at 16:28

5 Answers 5


This error is likely due to an incompatibility of JMeter with Java 17 (as mentioned by Dmitri T).

Whilst we wait for a fix, a workaround would be downgrading to Java 16. I can confirm this solved the issue for me.

  • Anyone have suggestions on how to do this on macOS? It's a nightmare... EDIT: Ah nice, Java 16 has been suspended, though perhaps by now this bug is fixed in Java 17? Commented May 25, 2022 at 14:29
  • Still getting this error with Java 16.0 and JMeter 5.4.3 Commented May 25, 2022 at 18:08
  • I had to edit jmeter.sh to hardcode a JDK < 17, as the script was still picking up JDK 17 on my system. That fixed it. JDK 13 worked this way. Commented May 29, 2022 at 23:19
  • it's fixed in jmeter 5.5 Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 13:10
  • I'm still finding the issue in jmeter 5.5.
    – amracel
    Commented Mar 23, 2023 at 14:55

I had the same issue with:

  • MacOS big SUR version 11.6
  • Jmeter 5.4.1 (installed via brew)
  • Temurin 11 (LTS) OpenJDK & Temurin 8 (LTS) OpenJDK

Running Jmeter with Java 8 solved my issue. The problem was, that Jmeter always used Java 11. I struggled some days to find out, how to set the Jmeter Java version:

  • set the correct Java 8 Home in: /usr/local/Cellar/jmeter/5.4.1/bin/jmeter:

    JAVA_HOME=$JAVA_8_HOME exec "/usr/local/Cellar/jmeter/5.4.1/libexec/bin/jmeter" "$@"

Maybe there are easier ways to set Java 8 for Jmeter - but this was the only solution which worked for me.

  • 1
    Can you clarify what this does? I beleive my JMeter is also always using the wrong java version, even if I declare JAVA_HOME before calling it Commented May 25, 2022 at 18:16
  • I had to edit jmeter.sh to hardcode a JDK < 17, as the script was still picking up JDK 17 on my system, no matter what JAVA_HOME was setup beforehand. Editing jmeter.sh with export JAVA_HOME=<JDK path> fixed it. JDK 13 worked this way. Commented May 29, 2022 at 23:21

I had Java 8 installed however, the JMeter was picking up Java 1.17 which was nowhere in my system. So uninstalling and reinstalling jmeter, worked like a charm for me.


I cannot reproduce your issue using:

  1. openjdk:8-jre-alpine docker image
  2. JMeter 5.4.1
  3. Test plan Test.jmx from extras folder of JMeter


enter image description here

If you cannot reproduce the above behaviour I think you made some changes either to Results File Configuration or to Reporting Configuration or both so you need to inspect all the JMeter Properties which differ from the defaults and restore their values to the original ones.

If you need further support you need to share at least first 2 lines of your outFilePath.jtl results file. Better if possible the full file and all the .properties files from JMeter's "bin" folder.

  • 1
    I have the same issue as the poster with a fresh install. Commented Sep 23, 2021 at 17:53
  • 3
    It looks like Java 17 causing the issue.
    – Dmitri T
    Commented Sep 24, 2021 at 4:24

exec commandline /usr/libexec/java_home -V enter image description here

replace bin of jmeter JAVA_HOME enter image description here

and then ,it is success.

  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented May 10, 2022 at 6:39

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