I have a 3D Photon Focus camera ( MV1-D2048x1088-3D06-760-G2-8) and I am using C# with the Pleora eBUS SDK version 5.1.1 on a Windows 10 machine. The camera is set to scan a laser line in LineFinder Mode, DataFormat3D = 2 and is returning the data (buffer Payload = 2 x 2048 = 4096 bytes). The payload seems correct. I want to save this data but I am having difficulty. How can I get the buffer into an array (or some structure) to save it to a file stream? My code is using the .DataPointer parameter from the Pleora eBUS SDK but I am not understanding what it is doing. The Manual I have included HERE - MAN075_PhotonFocus

enter image description here

private unsafe static void ThreadProc(object aParameters)
        object[] lParameters = (object[])aParameters;
        MainForm lThis = (MainForm)lParameters[0];

        for (;;)
            if (lThis.mIsStopping)
                // Signaled to terminate thread, return.

            PvBuffer lBuffer = null;
            PvResult lOperationResult = new PvResult(PvResultCode.OK);                
            // Retrieve next buffer from acquisition pipeline
            PvResult lResult = lThis.mStream.RetrieveBuffer(ref lBuffer, ref lOperationResult, 100);
            if (lResult.IsOK)
                // Operation result of buffer is OK, display.
                if (lOperationResult.IsOK)
                    uint bSize = lBuffer.GetPayloadSize();
                    PvImage image1 = lBuffer.Image;
                    uint height1 = image1.Height;
                    uint width1 = image1.Width;
                    uint offx1 = image1.OffsetX;
                    uint offy1 = image1.OffsetY;                        
                    PvPixelType imgpixtype = image1.PixelType;                                               
                    image1.Alloc(width1, (uint)2, imgpixtype);
                    byte *data_pnt = image1.DataPointer ;
                    byte[] MSB_array = new byte[(int)width1];
                    int buff_size = 2 * (int)width1;
                    byte[] pix_array = new byte[buff_size];                       
                    ulong tStamp = lBuffer.Timestamp;
                    string msgOut = (bSize.ToString() + " TimeStamp " + tStamp.ToString() + " width " + width1.ToString());
                    for (int i = 0; i < width1; i++)
                        data_pnt += 0;
                        MSB_array[i] = *data_pnt;
                        data_pnt += 1;
                    data_pnt += 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < width1; i++)
                        ushort msb1 = MSB_array[i];
                        ushort last_4 = (ushort)(*data_pnt & 0x0F);
                        int integer1 = (msb1 << 4)+(ushort)(*data_pnt>>4);
                        double dec_part = (float)last_4 / (float)16;
                        double val1 = (float)integer1 + dec_part;
                        data_pnt += 1;
                    uint bSize = lBuffer.GetPayloadSize();
                    ulong tStamp = lBuffer.Timestamp;
                    string msgOut = (bSize.ToString() + " BAD RESULT TimeStamp " + tStamp.ToString());

                // We have an image - do some processing (...) and VERY IMPORTANT,
                // re-queue the buffer in the stream object.
  • 1
    It is copying the data to a Bitmap img_bitmap1, so you can use the img_bitmap1 to save the pixeldata as file. Sep 23, 2021 at 13:07
  • The data_pnt is only used to display some values in the console Sep 23, 2021 at 13:08
  • 1
    You can use a PvBufferConverter to convert the format from 8bit to something else. Create a second PvBuffer with the desired PvPixelType. convertBuffer.Image.Alloc(lBuffer.Image.Width, lBuffer.Image.Height, PvPixelType.BGR8); Sep 23, 2021 at 13:34
  • Thank You @JeroenvanLangen. I need to know the data that is being sent. The data is encoded by the camera that every 2 bytes contain "Height Z data" not an actual image. The first 12 bits contain integer data and the last 4 contain fractional data. I need to read the bytes. I think the PixelType is fine. I just cannot read them correctly for some reason.
    – Cary H
    Sep 23, 2021 at 13:44
  • I don't think the image is stored interleaved. It is stored planar, so first all Height data, then a brightness followed by the data layer page/block. Sep 23, 2021 at 13:49

1 Answer 1


My current solution is to loop through the buffer by incrementing the pointer and save the bytes into a new array (MSB_array). The way this data is packed (see the attached image in the question) I had to read the next line and bitshift it over and add it to the byte in the MSB_array to get a

    for (int i = 0; i < width1; i++)
            data_pnt += 0;
            MSB_array[i] = *data_pnt;
            data_pnt += 1;
        data_pnt += 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < width1; i++)
            ushort msb1 = MSB_array[i];
            ushort last_4 = (ushort)(*data_pnt & 0x0F);
            int integer1 = (msb1 << 4)+(ushort)(*data_pnt>>4);
            double dec_part = (float)last_4 / (float)16;
            double val1 = (float)integer1 + dec_part;
            data_pnt += 1;

I am only writing it out to the console now but the data is correct. There may be a better/faster way than the for loop using the pointer. That post would be appreciated.

  • I'll post the finished method. Everything seems to work now.
    – Cary H
    Sep 24, 2021 at 16:20

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