I understand that JavaScript objects, including arrays, are automatically passed by reference, so I have something like this:

class Thing {
    constructor( ) {
        this.letters = [ "A", "B" ];
        this.numbers = [ 1, 2, 3 ];

        this.change( this.letters, this.numbers );

    change( _letters, _numbers ) {
        let l = _letters;
        let n = _numbers;

        l = [ ];
        n = 6;

var t = new Thing( );
console.log( t );

The log request shows that there has been no change to the properties of Thing. And yet, under different conditions that I can not recognise, I have accidentally modified passed parameters inside a function, and have had to use something like n = Array.from( _numbers ) to avoid modifying the source property. Would someone be able to explain what is happening, and why?

I would like to pass object properties by reference such that I can modify more than one related property in a single function call, and thereby reserve the return value for debugging purposes.

Thank you.

  • 5
    Your example is not modifying the objects, you are just reassigning the variables. You would have to have accessed some property to modify the object, eg _letters[1] = 'C' or l[1] = 'C' Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 19:13
  • 1
    With @PatrickEvans, on the first two lines of change(), l and n are references to your class's properties. However, on the next two lines, you reassign those variables to now be references to an empty array and 6. l and n no longer reference your class's properties, they now reference values declared in the scope of change(). Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 19:20
  • @DylanLandry: Thank you. That makes complete sense. How, then, would we typically (or in best practice) modify the objects passed? Is it only through references (e.g. _letters[1] ) and iteration that we can change the original values?
    – POD
    Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 19:50
  • 1
    @DylanLandry Well, no, l and n are not references. All they do is hold the same object reference as the this.letters and this.numbers properties respectively.
    – Bergi
    Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 23:02
  • 1
    @POD There is no pass-by-reference in JavaScript. There is passing of reference values though.
    – Bergi
    Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 23:03

1 Answer 1


The issue is the scoping. When you declared with let, the declaration is scoped to the function change and you are also reassigning the block-scoped variables here:

l = [ ];
n = 6;

If you want to change the class properties, you can do:

change(_letters, _numbers) {
    this.letters = _letters; // `this` scoped to class
    this.numbers = _numbers; // `this` scoped to class

See the example:

// simple demo start
let numbers = [1, 2, 3];

let n = numbers;
console.info(n, typeof n);

n = 6; // reassign n
console.info(n, typeof n, numbers);
// simple demo end

// refactored class
class Thing {
  constructor() {
    this.letters = ["A", "B"];
    this.numbers = [1, 2, 3];

    this.change(this.letters, this.numbers);

  change(_letters, _numbers) {
    let l = _letters; // `let` is scoped to `change()`
    let n = _numbers; // `let` is scoped to `change()`

    l = []; // only changes scoped l
    n = 6; // only changes scoped n

  changeFix(_letters, _numbers) {
    this.letters = _letters; // `this` scoped to class
    this.numbers = _numbers; // `this` scoped to class

var t = new Thing();

t.change(['C'], [4]);

t.changeFix(['C'], [4]);

  • 1
    You can also edit class properties from outside the class through the class instance: i.numbers = [4,5,6]; Commented Oct 1, 2021 at 21:06

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