I want to create multidimensional array which has levels, groups and items.


2 Answers 2


Why not create an array of your custom defined objects?

class A{
    int t;
    int b;

List<A> test = new ArrayList<A>();
test.add(new A());
  • how to get values form this once passed to somewhere else? Jun 29, 2016 at 12:04
  • 1
    Just as normal objects. test[0].t . Ob cource it is good practice to use encapsulation, add public int getT(), public int getB() and not access the fields directly. Jun 29, 2016 at 13:14
  • How to set value
    – symi khan
    Jan 16, 2019 at 6:06
  • just as normal objects: test[0].t = 123 or preferably add a constructor to A Jan 16, 2019 at 6:39

To create Multidimensional array in static way,


static final String listdesc[][][][] =
    { // grey
      {  // lightgray
        { "grey", "grey only" },
        { "lightgrey","#D3D3D3" },
        { "dimgrey","#696969" }
      {  // darkgray
        { "grey", "darkgrey" },
        { "sgi grey 92","#EAEAEA" }
    { // blue
      {  // lightblue
        { "blue", "lightblue" },
        { "dodgerblue 2","#1C86EE" }
      {  // darkblue
        { "blue", "darkblue" },
        { "steelblue 2","#5CACEE" },
        { "powderblue","#B0E0E6" }
    { // yellow
      {  // lightyellow
        { "yellow", "lightyellow" },
        { "yellow 1","#FFFF00" },
        { "gold 1","#FFD700" }
      {  // darkyellow
        { "yellow", "darkyellow" },
        { "darkgoldenrod 1","#FFB90F" }
    { // red
      {  // lightred
        { "red", "lightred" },
        { "indianred 1","#FF6A6A" }
      {  // darkred
        { "red", "darkred" },
        { "firebrick 1","#FF3030" },
        { "maroon","#800000" }


To create it programatically, refer to,

Assign data to a four Dimensional Array at RunTime

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