
I need to create a webapp that can execute user code, something similar to firebase cloud function, but I don't want it to be that much powerful.

For example if the user creates a script like:

{A,B} = getinput();
return A + B

And start running this script. Whenever user sends a request with a parameter eg. 4,5 it returns a response with 9. I want this to be running till the user stops it. I have started messing around with the cloud platforms and openstack etc., but I couldn't see a proper path towards it.

Most of sources I end up, explains about how I can create api server for myself, but I want something where anyone with an account can define how their request are processed.

Can someone recommend a way to achieve this?

1 Answer 1


I think that this is not directly related to OpenStack. In case that you want to use such kind of web applications, please have a look at OpenFaaS, which try to mimic the way AWS Lambda does. It is also similar to Firebase Cloud Functions.

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