Java Reflection
If you declare your enum
as Java-compatible, you can use Java reflection to get the array of its values using the Class.getEnumConstants
To declare a Java-compatible enum
it has to extend the Enum
enum Color extends Enum[Color]:
case Red, Green, Blue
You can use getEnumConstants
on the static class to get correctly typed Array
of values:
val values: Array[Color] = classOf[Color].getEnumConstants
But if you want to use it in a generic manner, I believe you have to cast the Class
or the Array
to the correct type with asInstanceOf
def enumValues[E <: Enum[E] : ClassTag]: Array[E] =
Subtype declaration <: Enum[E]
is not strictly needed there, but is used to avoid calling it with unrelated classes and causing runtime exceptions.
Now a method enumDescr
can be written in a similar way:
def enumDescr[E <: Enum[E] : ClassTag]: String =
val cl = classTag[E].runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[E]]
s"${cl.getName}: ${cl.getEnumConstants.mkString(", ")}"
And called like this:
scala> enumDescr[Color]
val res0: String = Color: Red, Green, Blue
Scala compile-time reflection
If you want just the names of the enum cases, you can get them using scala.deriving.Mirror
(thanks to @unclebob for the idea):
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.compiletime.{constValue, constValueTuple}
enum Color:
case Red, Green, Blue
inline def enumDescription[E](using m: Mirror.SumOf[E]): String =
val name = constValue[m.MirroredLabel]
val values = constValueTuple[m.MirroredElemLabels].productIterator.mkString(", ")
s"$name: $values"
@main def run: Unit =
This prints:
Color: Red, Green, Blue
Scala 3 macro for a sequence of values
You can use Scala 3 macro to generate the call to values
on the companion object.
Macro definitions from the same file can't be called, so the macro has to be placed in a separate file:
/* EnumValues.scala */
import scala.quoted.*
inline def enumValues[E]: Array[E] = ${enumValuesImpl[E]}
def enumValuesImpl[E: Type](using Quotes): Expr[Array[E]] =
import quotes.reflect.*
val companion = Ref(TypeTree.of[E].symbol.companionModule)
Select.unique(companion, "values").asExprOf[Array[E]]
Then in the main file:
enum Color:
case Red, Green, Blue
// Usable from `inline` methods:
inline def genericMethodTest[E]: String =
enumValues[E].mkString(", ")
@main def run: Unit =