Say I have the following db classes:

class Person(DB.Entity):
  id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
  name = Required(str, 100)
  cars = Set('Car')
class Car(DB.Entity):
  id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
  owner = Required(Person, cascade_delete=False)

When I perform a select on Person, I get the associated cars:

people = Person.select(lambda p: p.name == 'Jaewon')

However, I would like to return people as a Dict instead of a Pony object, so it can be used in the calling methods. If I do the following, I get people as a dictionary, but lose the car key:

return people[:]

What is the proper way to pull values from the database and return them as dict without dropping their associated values?

1 Answer 1


The Entity.to_dict function has a related_objects keyword argument.

You can use it to include the objects in the dicts.

If you want the to-many relationships too, you also need the with_collections argument.

people = Person.select(lambda p: p.name == 'Jaewon')

people = [
  for person in people

This doesn't automatically recurse, and you will have to walk the tree yourself to create the full dict.

for person in people:
  person['cars'] = [car.to_dict(**kwargs) for car in person['cars']]
  • This worked for the first level, thanks! Unfortunately, the cars object is still a list of Entities, and not a list of dicts. Do you know if there are any other options to convert to dict the whole way down, or should I just iterate over the values of person and cast them to dicts manually?
    – rgahan
    Oct 28, 2021 at 18:59
  • 1
    @rgahan You need to iterate over the objects and convert them to dicts all the way down. I've edited the answer to add the link for the documentation.
    – Ron
    Oct 28, 2021 at 20:05

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