We want to use the official Tekton buildpacks task from Tekton Hub to run our builds using Cloud Native Buildpacks. The buildpacks documentation for Tekton tells us to install the buildpacks & git-clone Task from Tekton Hub, create Secret, ServiceAccount, PersistentVolumeClaim and a Tekton Pipeline.

As the configuration is parameterized, we don't want to start our Tekton pipelines using a huge kubectl command but instead configure the PipelineRun using a separate pipeline-run.yml YAML file (as also stated in the docs) containing the references to the ServiceAccount, workspaces, image name and so on:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
  name: buildpacks-test-pipeline-run
  serviceAccountName: buildpacks-service-account # Only needed if you set up authorization
    name: buildpacks-test-pipeline
    - name: source-workspace
      subPath: source
        claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
    - name: cache-workspace
      subPath: cache
        claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
    - name: image
      value: <REGISTRY/IMAGE NAME, eg gcr.io/test/image > # This defines the name of output image

Now running the Tekton pipeline once is no problem using kubectl apply -f pipeline-run.yml. But how can we restart or reuse this YAML-based configuration for all the other pipelines runs?

3 Answers 3


tkn cli has the switch --use-pipelinerun to the command tkn pipeline start, what this command does is to reuse the params/workspaces from that pipelinerun and create a new one, so effectively "restarting" it.

so to 'restart' the pipelinerun pr1 which belong to the pipeline p1 you would do:

tkn pipeline start p1 --use-pipelinerun pr1

maybe we should have a easier named command, I kicked the discussion sometime ago feel free to contribute a feedback :



There are some discussions about that topic in the Tekton GitHub project - see tektoncd/pipeline/issues/664 and tektoncd/pipeline/issues/685. Since Tekton is heavily based on Kubernetes, all Tekton objects are Kubernetes CRDs - which are in fact immutable. So it is intended to not be able to re-run an already run PipelineRun.

But as also discussed in tektoncd/pipeline/issues/685 we can simply use the generateName variable of the metadata field like this:

apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1beta1
kind: PipelineRun
  generateName: buildpacks-test-pipeline-run-
  serviceAccountName: buildpacks-service-account # Only needed if you set up authorization
    name: buildpacks-test-pipeline
    - name: source-workspace
      subPath: source
        claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
    - name: cache-workspace
      subPath: cache
        claimName: buildpacks-source-pvc
    - name: image
      value: <REGISTRY/IMAGE NAME, eg gcr.io/test/image > # This defines the name of output image

Running kubectl create -f pipeline-run.yml will now work multiple times and kind of "restart" our Pipeline, while creating a new PipelineRun object like buildpacks-test-pipeline-run-dxcq6 everytime the command is issued.

Keep in mind to delete old PipelineRun objects once in a while though.


You cannot restart a pipelinerun.
Since in tekton, a pipelinerun is one time execution for a pipeline(treat as template), so it should not able to be restart, another kubectl apply for pipelinerun is another execution...

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