I have a js script, which is extracting the innertext of a class. Sometimes that class is not rendered on the webpage, so for that case, innertext comes undefined. I want to keep a check for this so that this error is omitted. This is the code that I wrote ->

function myfunc() {          
    var button = document.getElementsByClassName('myclass');
    if (button[0].innerText !== undefined) {   

var x = setInterval(function() {
}, 1)

So for the cases when the class is not there on the page, I was getting an undefined error hence I want to check that. I used an if condition in the code by checking if it is !== undefined but that is not working. Can anyone suggest some other methods? The error that I was getting ->

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'innerText' of undefined
  • 1
    if(button[0]) {...} will probably work. At the moment you're trying to access the text of an element that doesn't exist for your condition.
    – Andy
    Commented Nov 9, 2021 at 7:13
  • Or try using button[0]?.innerText (notice the ?) This first checks if button[0] exists
    – cloned
    Commented Nov 9, 2021 at 7:16

2 Answers 2


This doesn't work, because document.getElementsByClassName('myclass') returns 0 buttons, so button[0] is already undefined.

You can solve this problem by using optional chaining:

if(button[0]?.innerText !== undefined){

The value on the left side is automatically undefined if something before the ? is undefined.

If button[0] doesn't exist / is undefined, JS won't even try to get the innerText property.

Or even easier

Just check the length:

if(button.length > 0) {

You just need to check that button[0] exists before trying innerText on it. I cleaned it up a bit, but this should do the trick:

function checkForButton() {
   const button = document.querySelector('.myclass');
   if (button && button.textContent) {

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