As commented in this answer,

SELECT (j->'i')::int FROM  (SELECT '{"i":null}'::jsonb) t(j); -- fail

results in "ERROR: cannot cast jsonb null to type integer"... Ok, this is the "PostgreSQL way", but why not make it better? Better than add CASE clauses, it is doing the "natural" thing, that is casting a JSON-NULL value to a SQL typed null value. So, it is not an implementation problem, but it seems a specification bug in PostregSQL: it is?

  • Table 8.23. JSON Primitive Types and Corresponding PostgreSQL Types in the documentation does mention that "json null" has no postgresql type equivalent with a comment saying "SQL NULL is a different concept", so my guess is that this is indeed the desired behavior. Though I agree it does seem like this would natural/convenient. You can use (j->>'i')::int instead, as ->>'i' will return a text, which can be cast to int (and return null in this case).
    – Marth
    Nov 16, 2021 at 20:11
  • stackoverflow.com/q/60163598/2650437 might be of interest too.
    – Marth
    Nov 16, 2021 at 20:19
  • Same thing if you did ('[]'::jsonb)::int or ('{}'::jsonb)::int or ('"1"'::jsonb)::int - they are JSON values that cannot be converted to an int value. You'll get an exception, not NULL. Only (NULL::jsonb)::int will become an integer NULL.
    – Bergi
    Nov 16, 2021 at 20:43
  • 1
    For starters take a look at this thread Jsonb strictness. Then search the same list for json null. Bottom line many people did not want mixing of json null and SQL NULL. Nov 16, 2021 at 22:17

1 Answer 1


The reason is that SQL NULL is quite different from JSON null.

If you want to do this:

SELECT nullif((j->'i'), 'null')::int FROM  (SELECT '{"i":null}'::jsonb) t(j);
(1 row)

 SELECT pg_typeof(nullif((j->'i'), 'null')::int) FROM  (SELECT '{"i":null}'::jsonb) t(j);

SELECT nullif((j->'i'), 'null')::int FROM  (SELECT '{"i": 1}'::jsonb) t(j);
(1 row)

Use NULLIF to transform JSON null to SQL NULL.

  • Hi, it looks like a specification bug: all JSON data types are quite different from SQL, maybe only JSON-string to SQL-text is straightforward (no transformation only a "datatype rename"). All other CASTs, to be frindly and orthogonal, PostgreSQL offers a kind of data transformatin. For example JSON number CAST to SQL-FLOAT is a transformation. So JSON-NULL to SQL-NULL can be a transformation. Sep 22, 2022 at 10:31
  • It is not a specification bug. Read the link Jsonb strictness I posted in my comment above. Also look at JSON Table 8.23. JSON Primitive Types and Corresponding PostgreSQL Types "null (none) SQL NULL is a different concept". It is a deliberate choice. Sep 22, 2022 at 14:43
  • Yes, I am reinforcing that is a specification fail. When PostgreSQL-specification say "different concept" it's a theoretical orientation, to be careful, but not to impose barriers (!) on context-sensitive parsing. A CAST must be friendly... We (users) must review the "spec implementation" of this orientation. Sep 23, 2022 at 11:22
  • Read the mailing list thread I linked to and search the pgsql-general for 'json null'. You will find there was plenty of user input. There where arguments on both sides, but in the end this specification won out. At this point it will not be changed, too much code depends on the current behavior. Sep 23, 2022 at 14:37

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