I have to deploy one stack, let's call it the parent stack in one region Them a second stack(child) needs to be deployed, in another region. The region of the second stack(child stack) can not include the region where the parent was deployed. The second stack can be deployed in multiple regions.
However, the second stack needs props from the first stack. Specifically, it needs an ARN value. The default region is us-east-1
. That is where the parent stack will get deployed.
To solve this I attempted the following
1- First Attempt : Using cfnOutput
- Created a
in the parent and in the child I capture the value withcdk.Fn.ImportValue()
- RESULT: Got an error as cfnOutput can not be used between stacks on different regions as explained in CloudFormation User Guide
2- Second Attempt: Using StackProps
- Created an interface in the parent stack that inherit from StackProps, set a public property and put the ARN value there
from the lib/mystack file
export interface myStackProps extends cdk.StackProps {
principalKeyArn: string
- Passed the value to the second stack as props along with the env key containing the region as under:
from the bin/myapp file
const app = new cdk.App();
const regions = ["us-east-2"]
const primaryMRKey = new KmsMultiregionPrincipalKey(app, 'KmsMultiregionKeyStack')
for (let region of regions){
const envToDeploy = {region: region, account: "123456789123"}
new KmsReplicaKey(app, 'KmsReplicaKey-' + region, {env: envToDeploy, principalKeyArn: primaryMRKey.principalKeyArn } )
RESULT: Cross stack references are only supported for stacks deployed to the same environment or between nested stacks and their parent stack
- How to resolve the issue of passing cross-stack references between stacks that are using different regions in CDK?
[Edited] one solution to this problem is using SSM as explained below.
Thanks in advance
. This answer has a full Typescript CDK example of cross-region refs.