I am trying to explore on web NFC and found a simple sample (https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/web-nfc/). So, I copy the sample code to test it on local:

    <title>Web NFC Sample</title>
      // Add a global error event listener early on in the page load, to help ensure that browsers
      // which don't support specific functionality still end up displaying a meaningful message.
      window.addEventListener('error', function(error) {
        if (ChromeSamples && ChromeSamples.setStatus) {
          ChromeSamples.setStatus(error.message + ' (Your browser may not support this feature.)');
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="Web%20NFC%20Sample_files/main.css">

<button id="scanButton">Scan</button>
<button id="writeButton">Write</button>

  var ChromeSamples = {
    log: function() {
      var line = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).map(function(argument) {
        return typeof argument === 'string' ? argument : JSON.stringify(argument);
      }).join(' ');

      document.querySelector('#log').textContent += line + '\n';

    clearLog: function() {
      document.querySelector('#log').textContent = '';

    setStatus: function(status) {
      document.querySelector('#status').textContent = status;

    setContent: function(newContent) {
      var content = document.querySelector('#content');
      while(content.hasChildNodes()) {

<h3>Live Output</h3>
<div id="output" class="output">
  <div id="content"></div>
  <div id="status">Web NFC is not available.
Please make sure the "Experimental Web Platform features" flag is enabled on Android.</div>
  <pre id="log"></pre>

  if (/Chrome\/(\d+\.\d+.\d+.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
    // Let's log a warning if the sample is not supposed to execute on this
    // version of Chrome.
    if (89 > parseInt(RegExp.$1)) {
      ChromeSamples.setStatus('Warning! Keep in mind this sample has been tested with Chrome ' + 89 + '.');

log = ChromeSamples.log;

if (!("NDEFReader" in window))
    "Web NFC is not available.\n" +
      'Please make sure the "Experimental Web Platform features" flag is enabled on Android.'

      <script>scanButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
  log("User clicked scan button");

  try {
    const ndef = new NDEFReader();
    await ndef.scan();
    log("> Scan started");

    ndef.addEventListener("readingerror", () => {
      log("Argh! Cannot read data from the NFC tag. Try another one?");

    ndef.addEventListener("reading", ({ message, serialNumber }) => {
      log(`> Serial Number: ${serialNumber}`);
      log(`> Records: (${message.records.length})`);
  } catch (error) {
    log("Argh! " + error);

writeButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
  log("User clicked write button");

  try {
    const ndef = new NDEFReader();
    await ndef.write("Hello world!");
    log("> Message written");
  } catch (error) {
    log("Argh! " + error);


But when I run it, it shows Web NFC is not available. Please make sure the "Experimental Web Platform features" flag is enabled on Android. on the message. When I click on "scan" button, it shows Argh! ReferenceError: NDEFReader is not defined.

May I know why the sample code work well when it is on https://googlechrome.github.io but can't work when I have it on my local PC? Thank you.

1 Answer 1


As documented in https://web.dev/nfc/#security-and-permissions, Web NFC is only available in secure browsing contexts. It means you either have to serve your webpage over https:// or localhost such as or http://localhost.

  • If you have installed npm, you can use npx http-serve.
  • If you have installed Python 2, use python -m SimpleHTTPServer
  • If you have installed Python 3, use python -m http.server

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