I'm trying to get list of owned tokens from a wallet address. In the solana web3 documentation, there is a property of Connecton called getTokenAccountsByOwner, but I'm getting type error: mintAddress.toBase58 is not a function.

Here's the code I use:

const solanaWeb3 = require('@solana/web3.js');
const { Connection, programs } = require('@metaplex/js');
const axios = require('axios');



1 Answer 1


It looks like there are some bits mixed around between your question and your code, since the question references getTokenAccountsByOwner but then the code shows getTokenLargestAccounts.

Either way, you're passing in a string, when you should be passing in a PublicKey. You can instead try:

console.log(solanaConnection.getTokenLargestAccounts(new PublicKey('2MTPtFo78QzWJaK9PGk9pZm9dFrVVSBGCRWPpND25GAe')));

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