From SRS how to transmux HLS wiki, we know SRS generate the corresponding M3U8 playlist in hls_path, here is my config file:
http_server {
enabled on;
listen 8080;
dir ./objs/nginx/html;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
hls {
enabled on;
hls_path /data/hls-records;
hls_fragment 10;
hls_window 60;
In one SRS server case, every client play the HLS stream access the same push SRS server, that's OK. But in origin cluster mode, there are many SRS servers, and each stream is in one of them. When client play this HLS stream we can't guard it can access the right origin SRS server(cause 404 http status code if not exist). Unlike the RTMP and HTTP-FLV stream, SRS use coworker by HTTP-API feature to redirect the right origin SRS.
In order to fix this issue, I think below two solutions:
- Use specialized backend HLS segment SRS server:
Don't generate the M3U8 in origin SRS server, every stream is forward to this SRS server, all the M3U8 are generated in this server and all HLS request is proxy to this server(use nginx). The cons. of this solution is limit to one instance, no scaling ability and single node risk.
the origin srs.conf forward config like this:
vhost {
# forward stream to other servers.
forward {
enabled on;
where is the backend hls segment SRS server.
- Use cloud storage such as NFS/K8S PV/Distributed File System:
Mount the cloud storage as local folder in every SRS server, whatever the stream in which SRS server, the M3U8 file and ts segment is transfer to same big storage, so after HLS request, the http server served them as static file. From my test, if the cloud storage write speed is reliable, it is a good solution. But if network shake or write speed is not as fast as received speed, it will block the other coroutine and this cause the SRS abnormal.
The hls_path config like this:
vhost __defaultVhost__ {
hls {
enabled on;
hls_path /shared_storage/hls-records;
hls_fragment 10;
hls_window 60;
Here 'shared_stoarge' means a nfs/cephfs/pv mount point.
The above solutions in my perspective are not radically resolve the access issue, I am looking forward to find better reliable product solution for such case?