
The desired behaviour is for users to be able to filter products by their productType using buttons in a menu.

At the moment I'm querying the Shopify storefront API and fetching back products in lib/Shopify.js

export async function getProductsInCollection() {
  const query = `
    collectionByHandle(handle: "frontpage") {
      products(first: 25) {
        edges {
          node {

  const response = await ShopifyData(query)
  const allProducts = response.data.collectionByHandle.products.edges ? response.data.collectionByHandle.products.edges : []
  return allProducts

export function filter(type) {
  let filtredProducts = getProductsInCollection().filter(product => product.node.productType === type);
  return filtredProducts;

lib/Shopify.js also contains a function to fetch all the productTypes in the store.

export async function getProductTypes() {
  const query = 
    shop {
      products(first:250, query:"-product_type:''") {
        edges {
            node {

  const response = await ShopifyData(query)
  const rawProductTypes = response.data.shop.products ? response.data.shop.products.edges : []
  const productTypes = Array.from(new Set(rawProductTypes));
  return productTypes

Then shop.js loops through all of the productTypes and displays them in a menu. It also loops through all of the products.

import { getProductsInCollection, getProductTypes, filter } from "../lib/shopify"
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import Link from 'next/link'

export default function Shop({ products, pages, projects, productTypes }) {
  const [filtredProducts, setFiltredProducts] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);

  var categories = new Map();
  productTypes.forEach( function( item ) {
    categories.set(JSON.stringify(item), item);

  function handleCategories(e) {
    let type = e.target.value;
    type !== "all"
      ? setFiltredProducts(filter(type))
      : setFiltredProducts(getProductsInCollection());

  const deduped = Array.from(new Set(productTypes));

  return (
         {categories &&
        [...categories.values()].map((category, index) => (
            <button className="mr-8 mb-6 underline" key={index} value={category.node.productType} onClick={handleCategories}>
      {filtredProducts &&
          filtredProducts.map(p => (

export async function getStaticProps() {
    const products = await getProductsInCollection()
    const productTypes = await getProductTypes()
    return {
      props: { 

When the user tries to click on the filter they get the following error.

TypeError: getProductsInCollection(...).filter is not a function

What's the correct way to get the filter to work so the menu filters the products below?

  • getProductsInCollection() is an async function and returns a Promise, you need to await it before filtering the results inside the filter function, i.e. let filtredProducts = (await getProductsInCollection()).filter(product => product.node.productType === type);. This will make the filter function async too, so modify your code accordingly. Commented Dec 25, 2021 at 1:07

2 Answers 2


getProductsInCollection returns promise, use async/await before the filter.

In shop.js also you have to use async/await before setting to state.

export async function getProductsInCollection() {
  const query = `
    collectionByHandle(handle: "frontpage") {
      products(first: 25) {
        edges {
          node {

  const response = await ShopifyData(query);
  const allProducts = response.data.collectionByHandle.products.edges
    ? response.data.collectionByHandle.products.edges
    : [];
  return allProducts;

export async function filter(type) {
  let filtredProducts = await getProductsInCollection();
  return filtredProducts.filter((product) => product.node.productType === type);

// shop.js
async function handleCategories(e) {
  let type = e.target.value;
  let products = [];
  if (type !== "all") {
    products = await filter(type);
  } else {
    products = getProductsInCollection();

You are trying to call .filter() on a Promise, not an array. Try modifying your code like this:

export async function filter(type) {
  let products = await getProductsInCollection();
  let filteredProducts = products.filter(product => product.node.productType === type);
  return filteredProducts;

Keep in mind, when calling filter() you need to use await again since it is now also an async function.

  • Thanks @Nils - It prints in the console correctly thanks to your code but when I try to loop through the filter through the filtered products inside shop.js I get the following error "filtredProducts.map is not a function" Any ideas? Thanks!
    – Tom Wicks
    Commented Dec 28, 2021 at 11:25

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