edit: sorry, I no longer have the code mentioned below. It was a neat solution, although complex.
I posted a sample project describing how to use PropertyDescriptor and lambda delegates with dynamic ObservableCollection and DynamicObject to populate a grid with strongly-typed column definitions.
Columns can be added/removed at runtime dynamically. If your data is not a object with known type, you could create a data structure that would enable access by any number of columns and specify a PropertyDescriptor for each "column".
For example:
IList<string> ColumnNames { get; set; }
//dict.key is column name, dict.value is value
Dictionary<string, string> Rows { get; set; }
You can define columns this way:
var descriptors= new List<PropertyDescriptor>();
//retrieve column name from preprepared list or retrieve from one of the items in dictionary
foreach(var columnName in ColumnNames)
descriptors.Add(new DynamicPropertyDescriptor<Dictionary, string>(ColumnName, x => x[columnName]))
MyItemsCollection = new DynamicDataGridSource(Rows, descriptors)
Or even better, in case of some real objects
public class User
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName{ get; set; }
You can specify columns strongly typed (related to your data model):
var propertyDescriptors = new List<PropertyDescriptor>
new DynamicPropertyDescriptor<User, string>("First name", x => x.FirstName ),
new DynamicPropertyDescriptor<User, string>("Last name", x => x.LastName ),
var users = retrieve some users
Users = new DynamicDataGridSource<User>(users, propertyDescriptors, PropertyChangedListeningMode.Handler);
Then you just bind to Users collections and columns are autogenerated as you speficy them. Strings passed to property descriptors are names for column headers. At runtime you can add more PropertyDescriptors to 'Users' add another column to the grid.