
I would like to summarize the input parameters for a python calculation using text strings. I can summarize the input parameters using print() but I don't know how to also save these as text strings.

Sample Code

First, define the scan of input parameters:

import numpy as np

gapsize = np.arange(0.5,0.8,0.1)
ringwidth = np.arange(1.25,5,0.75)
outputangle = [28.43]

Now define a function that prints a parameter-specific summary of these values

def printSCANvalues(parameter):
    ## Do cases for text descriptions
    if parameter is ringwidth:
        paramTEXT = "RW"
    elif parameter is gapsize:
        paramTEXT = "Gap"
    elif parameter is outputangle:
        paramTEXT = "Facet Angle"

    if parameter is ringwidth or parameter is gapsize:
        unit = 'um'
    elif parameter is outputangle:
        unit = 'deg.'

    ## only calculate the gradient for arrays with more than one value
    if len(parameter) > 1:
        step = round(1000*np.gradient(parameter)[0])/1000
    elif len(parameter) == 1:
        step = 0

    stopVAL = round(1000*parameter[-1])/1000

    print(paramTEXT, "Scan: qty =", len(parameter),", start = ", parameter[0],
          unit, ", stop = ", stopVAL, unit, ", step = ", step, unit)
    print(paramTEXT, "values: ", parameter, unit)

Now use function to generate the text that summarizes the input parameter scan:

print("====== Input Parameter Scan Values ======")


Screenshot of output:

screenshot of output

The problem

I would also like to save this output as a text string so that it can be written to a text file. Is there a way to save the associated string for each parameter type before print() is executed so that I can use it later?

  • The documentation for the print() function indicates it accepts an optional file keyword argument — which implies that anything you can print can be sent to an (open) file. You can also do it using the contextlib.redirect_stdout() function.
    – martineau
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 1:19

2 Answers 2


As a very general rule, in a situation like this, you shouldn't have the function do the printing. Have the function return a string, and let the caller decide what to DO with the string. Like this. You can see how to take the results and copy them to a file later.

def SCANvalues(parameter):
    ## Do cases for text descriptions
    if parameter is ringwidth:
        paramTEXT = "RW"
    elif parameter is gapsize:
        paramTEXT = "Gap"
    elif parameter is outputangle:
        paramTEXT = "Facet Angle"

    if parameter is ringwidth or parameter is gapsize:
        unit = 'um'
    elif parameter is outputangle:
        unit = 'deg.'

    ## only calculate the gradient for arrays with more than one value
    step = 0
    if len(parameter) > 1:
        step = round(1000*np.gradient(parameter)[0])/1000

    stopVAL = round(1000*parameter[-1])/1000

    s =  f"{paramTEXT} Scan: qty = {len(parameter)}, start = {parameter[0]}, stop = {stopVal} {unit}, step = {step} {unit}\n"
    s += f"{paramTEXT} Values: {parameter} {unit}"
    return s

print("====== Input Parameter Scan Values ======")

rw = SCANvalues(ringwidth)
gs = SCANvalues(gapsize)
oa = SCANvalues(outputangle)
  • Thanks for the reply! This doesn't appear to generate a string variable as far as I can tell. 's' never shows up in the variable explorer. I may be missing something obvious since I'm new to python. Also, maybe there's a way to append "RW" etc to "s" for each variable type?
    – Drotar
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 18:30
  • ??? The last three lines of the function generate a string s and return that string. The mainline code just prints the string, but of course you can store it in your own variable and do what you like. I don't know what you mean by "RW". Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 18:38
  • Hi Tim, I guess the question was "how do I store it as a variable"? I realize it's generating a string I just don't know how to use it afterward. "RW" is my designation for one of the parameters. I was just trying to distinguish the different copies of 's' that would be generated.
    – Drotar
    Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 18:53
  • You're not thinking about what you're asking. If you call "abc".upper(), how do you store its result in a variable? It's the same thing here. They're just functions. You store it in a variable by assigning its result to a variable. Commented Jan 4, 2022 at 18:59

I think I figured it out using the tip from @martineau and the modification from @Tim Roberts.

def SCANvalues(parameter):
    ## Do cases for text descriptions
    if parameter is ringwidth:
        paramTEXT = "RW"
    elif parameter is gapsize:
        paramTEXT = "Gap"
    elif parameter is outputangle:
        paramTEXT = "Facet Angle"

    if parameter is ringwidth or parameter is gapsize:
        unit = 'um'
    elif parameter is outputangle:
        unit = 'deg.'

    ## only calculate the gradient for arrays with more than one value
    step = 0
    if len(parameter) > 1:
        step = round(1000*np.gradient(parameter)[0])/1000

    stopVAL = round(1000*parameter[-1])/1000

    s =  f"{paramTEXT} Scan: qty = {len(parameter)}, start = {parameter[0]}, stop = {stopVAL} {unit}, step = {step} {unit}\n"
    s += f"{paramTEXT} Values: {parameter} {unit}\n"
    return s

Code for printing to a file

I didn't see if there was an option to print to a file as well as the console so I just included two instances

log = open('log.txt', 'w')
geos = [ringwidth, gapsize, outputangle]

def geoPRINT(geoPARAMS):
    print("\n ====== Input Parameter Scan Values ======\n")
    print("\n ====== Input Parameter Scan Values ======\n",file = log)
    for i in range(len(geoPARAMS)):
        print(SCANvalues(geoPARAMS[i]),file = log)


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