If I were using an RDBMS (e.g. SQL Server) to store event sourcing data, what might the schema look like?
I've seen a few variations talked about in an abstract sense, but nothing concrete.
For example, say one has a "Product" entity, and changes to that product could come in the form of: Price, Cost and Description. I'm confused about whether I'd:
- Have a "ProductEvent" table, that has all the fields for a product, where each change means a new record in that table, plus "who, what, where, why, when and how" (WWWWWH) as appropriate. When cost, price or description are changed, a whole new row as added to represent the Product.
- Store product Cost, Price and Description in separate tables joined to the Product table with a foreign key relationship. When changes to those properties occur, write new rows with WWWWWH as appropriate.
- Store WWWWWH, plus a serialised object representing the event, in a "ProductEvent" table, meaning the event itself must be loaded, de-serialised and re-played in my application code in order to re-build the application state for a given Product.
Particularly I worry about option 2 above. Taken to the extreme, the product table would be almost one-table-per-property, where to load the Application State for a given product would require loading all events for that product from each product event table. This table-explosion smells wrong to me.
I'm sure "it depends", and while there's no single "correct answer", I'm trying to get a feel for what is acceptable, and what is totally not acceptable. I'm also aware that NoSQL can help here, where events could be stored against an aggregate root, meaning only a single request to the database to get the events to rebuild the object from, but we're not using a NoSQL db at the moment so I'm feeling around for alternatives.