Unfortunately, sorting tables in lua still remains difficult for me. Who can help me with the following question:

I would like to sort the table below by pluNumber:

Original tabel:

[3] = {
    [1] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '204',
            ['name'] = 'Cola Zero'
    [2] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '202',
            ['name'] = 'Sinas'
    [3] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '203',
            ['name'] = '7-up'
    [4] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '201',
            ['name'] = 'Cola'

New table:

[3] = {
    [1] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '201',
            ['name'] = 'Cola'
    [2] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '202',
            ['name'] = 'Sinas'
    [3] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '203',
            ['name'] = '7-up'
    [4] = {
        ['article'] = {
            ['pluNumber'] = '204',
            ['name'] = 'Cola Zero'

Where do I begin? I didn't succeed with a normal table.sort

Please help

1 Answer 1


You need to provide a function that tells Lua which of two table elements comes first.

table.sort(yourTable, function (a, b)
   return a.article.pluNumber < b.article.pluNumber end


table.sort(yourTable, function (a, b)
   return a.article.pluNumber > b.article.pluNumber end

for decending order. This is explained in the Lua reference manual.


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