I've tried setting up signaturgruppens eID demo (OIDC) using "Easy auth" in the authentication settings of a .NET function app.

Settings looks like following: enter image description here

Metadata URL https://pp.netseidbroker.dk/op/.well-known/openid-configuration

Client ID 0a775a87-878c-4b83-abe3-ee29c720c3e7

Client Secret rnlguc7CM/wmGSti4KCgCkWBQnfslYr0lMDZeIFsCJweROTROy2ajEigEaPQFl76Py6AVWnhYofl/0oiSAgdtg==

When I get to the scopes section of this however I get: enter image description here

I want to add the scopes "openid nemid mitid" but i can't figure out how and where this portal is?

When trying to access a securet endpoint i also get an error has occured because the scope is invalid: enter image description here

So how do i add the scopes?

1 Answer 1


I found a solution.

Use the azure resource explorer (preview): https://resources.azure.com/

Find the auth2 settings: subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{rg-name}/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/{app-name}/config/authsettingsV2

Add the scopes in the customOpenIdConnectProviders: enter image description here

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