In vscode, I want to run the current cell by "ctrl+enter", but the editor behavior is "enter"(insert a new line) instead of "run this cell".

"shift+enter" is working, but I don't want to create a new cell.

"ctrl+alt+enter" will pop an error message: command 'jupyter.runSelectionLine' not found

Any suggestions to make "ctrl+enter" can run current cell? I hope it can work like colab.


3 Answers 3


Another way:

File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts

enter image description here

Search for "execute"

Double click on Notebook: Execute Cell and enter your preferred key binding:

enter image description here


Didn't work for me too. But it started to work after I installed the "Jupyter Keymap" extension.

This should be helpful https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-toolsai.jupyter-keymap


I had IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings enabled (since I moved from PyCharm/IntelliJ). Looks like this extension had conflicts with Jupyter keybindings. I removed it, and it works! enter image description here

Maybe you have a conflicting add-on enabled; try disabling it. For me it was IntelliJ IDEA.

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