What's a good way to create a variadic 'for' in Clojure?

I wrote this out:

(defmacro variadic-for
  [f colls]
  (let [bindings (map (fn [coll] [(gensym) coll]) colls)]
    `(for ~(vec (apply concat bindings))
       (~f ~@(map first bindings)))))

So I can use this like:

(variadic-for + [[1] [2] [3 4]])

and the result will be every possible sum, where each given collection represents the possible values for that binding.

Is there a better way to do this? I don't know of anything in the Clojure core that is used to create all permutations in this way, other than 'for'.

  • Could you clarify the desired result? Is it [6 7]? Also, what is the use case? Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 20:56

2 Answers 2


Maybe cartesian-product from clojure.math.combinatorics?

(defn variadic-for [f colls]
  (map #(apply f %)
        (apply clojure.math.combinatorics/cartesian-product colls)))

(variadic-for + [[1] [2] [3 4]])
=> (6 7)

I think your macro implementation is great, but implementing it as a function has the advantage of increased composability. For instance, you can pass your variadic-for to a function. Here is an implementation of variadic-for as a function:

(defn combine2 [A B]
  (for [a A
        b B]
    (conj a b)))

(defn combinations [colls]
  (reduce combine2 [[]] colls))

(defn variadic-for [f colls]
  (map #(apply f %) (combinations colls)))

I believe there is already a combinations function in some library but implementing it yourself, as done above, is easy.

Here is something you cannot do if variadic-for is a macro:

(def combinatorial+ (partial variadic-for +))

(combinatorial+ [[1] [2] [3 4]])
;; => (6 7)
  • Identifying that 'combinations' is just left fold of combine2. Smart! Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 20:41

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