I want to run a function on a separate core. I wrote a script that runs it asynchronously in parallel two times.

const results = Channel()

function my_function()
    delay = rand() * 5
    @info "Task with $delay s"
    @info "Thread $(Threads.threadid())"
    put!(results, delay)

errormonitor(@async my_function())
errormonitor(@async my_function())

@info "returned $(take!(results))"
@info "returned $(take!(results))"

But both times in the same thread.

[ Info: Task with 2.9497522378270298 s
[ Info: Task with 4.956428193185428 s
[ Info: Thread 1
[ Info: Thread 1
[ Info: returned 2.9497522378270298
[ Info: returned 4.956428193185428

How can I run my_function on different threads?

  • 1
    It's a cliche thing to say, but have you read the docs? Async, threading, and multiprocessing are, in a sense, orthogonal. Or have you just forgot to start Julia with --threads? Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 13:37
  • you correctly noticed that it is difficult for me to understand these things. I ran with both the --threads 2 flag and the -p 2 flag. the answer was the same. Commented Feb 9, 2022 at 13:53

1 Answer 1


@async tasks run on the thread that scheduled them (thread 1 in your example). To spawn a task on a thread, use Threads.@spawn (and make sure to start Julia with more than one thread):

$ cat main.jl 
const results = Channel()

function my_function()
    delay = rand() * 5
    @info "Task with $delay s running on thread $(Threads.threadid())"
    put!(results, delay)

Threads.@spawn my_function()
Threads.@spawn my_function()

@info "returned $(take!(results))"
@info "returned $(take!(results))"

$ julia --threads=auto main.jl
[ Info: Task with 0.3894362661856865 s running on thread 2
[ Info: Task with 1.4960360211694967 s running on thread 4
[ Info: returned 0.3894362661856865
[ Info: returned 1.4960360211694967

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