Most of the models in my iOS app query a web server. I would like to have a configuration file storing the base URL of the server. It will look something like this:

// production
// static NSString* const baseUrl = "http://website.example/"

// testing
static NSString* const baseUrl = ""

By commenting out one line or the other, I can instantly change which server my models point to. My question is, what's the best practice for storing global constants in iOS? In Android programming, we have this built-in strings resource file. In any Activity (the equivalent of a UIViewController), we can retrieve those string constants with:

String string = this.getString(R.string.someConstant);

I was wondering if the iOS SDK has an analogous place to store constants. If not, what is the best practice in Objective-C to do so?

11 Answers 11


Well, you want the declaration local to the interfaces it relates to -- the app-wide constants file is not a good thing.

As well, it's preferable to simply declare an extern NSString* const symbol, rather than use a #define:


extern NSString* const MONAppsBaseUrl;


#import "SomeFile.h"

#ifdef DEBUG
NSString* const MONAppsBaseUrl = @"";
NSString* const MONAppsBaseUrl = @"http://website.example/";

Apart from the omission of the C++ compatible Extern declaration, this is what you will generally see used in Apple's Obj-C frameworks.

If the constant needs to be visible to just one file or function, then static NSString* const baseUrl in your *.m is good.

  • 26
    Not sure why the accepted answer has 40 votes for advocating #define -- const is indeed better.
    – occulus
    Commented Mar 23, 2013 at 15:55
  • 1
    Definitely const NSString is better than #define, this should be the accepted answer. #define creates a new string everytime the defined value is used.
    – jbat100
    Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 12:32
  • 1
    @jbat100 I don't think it creates a new string. I think the compiler detects if your code creates the same static string 300,000 times and will only create it once. @"foo" is not the same as [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:"foo"]. Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 14:17
  • @AbhiBeckert i think the point jbat was trying to make is that it's possible to end up with duplicates of your constant when #define is used (i.e. pointer equality could fail) - not that an NSString literal expression produces a temporary whenever executed.
    – justin
    Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 14:38
  • 1
    I agree #define is a bad idea, I just wanted to correct the error he made that it will create multiple objects. Also, pointer equality can't be relied on even for constants. It might be loaded from NSUserDefaults or something. Always use isEqual:. Commented Jul 19, 2013 at 14:43

You could also do a

#define kBaseURL @""

in a "constants" header file, say constants.h. Then do

#include "constants.h"

at the top of every file where you need this constant.

This way, you can switch between servers depending on compiler flags, as in:

#ifdef DEBUG
    #define kBaseURL @""
    #define kBaseURL @"http://myproductionserver.example/"
  • I use the "constants.h" approach, declaring static variables based on #ifdef VIEW_CONSTANTS ... #endif. So I have one application-wide constants file, but each of my other code files #defines different sets of constants to include before #include-ing the constants file (stops all those "defined but not used" compiler warnings).
    – user244343
    Commented Aug 19, 2011 at 2:26
  • 2
    There's two issues I ran into with this solution. First, when I used #decalare, I got a compile error saying "invalid preprocessing directive declare". So I changed it to #define instead. The other problem is using the constant. I wanted to create another constant with static NSString* const fullUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", kbaseUrl, @"script.php"], but apparently it's illegal to create consts with an expression. I get the error "initializer element is not constant".
    – JoJo
    Commented Aug 19, 2011 at 18:34
  • 1
    @Cyrille Android is really interesting to practice, there is some possibilities you could not imagine on iOS ! Thanks anyway for reply
    – klefevre
    Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 16:59
  • 8
    Prefer const over #define where possible -- you get better compile-time checking, and debugging works better.
    – occulus
    Commented Mar 23, 2013 at 15:54
  • 2
    @AnsonYao usually when that happens to me I forgot to remove a semicolon from the #define, such as #define kBaseURL @"";
    – Gyfis
    Commented Apr 11, 2015 at 22:13

The way I define global constants:


extern NSString* const kAppBaseURL;


#import "AppConstants.h"

#ifdef DEBUG
NSString* const kAppBaseURL = @"";
NSString* const kAppBaseURL = @"http://website.example/";

Then in your {$APP}-Prefix.pch file:

#ifdef __OBJC__
  #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
  #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
  #import "AppConstants.h"

If you experience any problems, first make sure that you have the Precompile Prefix Header option set to NO.


You can also concatenate string constants like this:

  #define kBaseURL @"http://myServer.example"
  #define kFullURL kBaseURL @"/api/request"

I do think that another way to do this is far simpler and you will just include it in files you need them included in, not ALL the files, like with the .pch prefix file:

#ifndef Constants_h
#define Constants_h

//Some constants
static int const ZERO = 0;
static int const ONE = 1;
static int const TWO = 2;

#endif /* Constants_h */

After that you include this header file in the header file that you want. You include it in header file for the specific class that you want it included in:

#include "Constants.h"
  • In my testing, static const constants are not usable in the debugger (Xcode's lldb). "error: use of undeclared identifier .."
    – jk7
    Commented Apr 4, 2020 at 2:18
  1. I define global constant in YOURPROJECT-Prefix.pch file.
  2. #define BASEURl @"http://myWebService.appspot.com/xyz/xx"
  3. then anywhere in project to use BASEURL:

    NSString *LOGIN_URL= [BASEURl stringByAppendingString:@"/users/login"];

Updated: In Xcode 6 you will not find default .pch file created in your project. So please use PCH File in Xcode 6 to insert .pch file in your project.

Updates: For SWIFT

  1. Create new Swift file [empty without class] say [AppGlobalMemebers]
  2. & Right away declare / define member


    var STATUS_BAR_GREEN : UIColor  = UIColor(red: 106/255.0, green: 161/255.0, blue: 7/255.0, alpha: 1)  //
    1. If you want to define the app global member in any class file say Appdelegate or Singleton class or any, declare given member above class definition

Global declarations are interesting but, for me, what changed deeply my way to code was to have global instances of classes. It took me a couple of day's to really understand how to work with it so I quickly summarized it here

I use global instances of classes (1 or 2 per project, if needed), to regroup core data access, or some trades logics.

For instance if you want to have a central object handling all restaurant tables you create you object at startup and that is it. This object can handle database accesses OR handle it in memory if you don't need to save it. It's centralized, you show only useful interfaces ... !

It's a great help, object oriented and a good way to get all you stuff at the same place

A few lines of code :

@interface RestaurantManager : NSObject
    +(id) sharedInstance;
    -(void)registerForTable:(NSNumber *)tableId;

and object implementation :

@implementation RestaurantManager

+ (id) sharedInstance {
    static dispatch_once_t onceQueue;

    dispatch_once(&onceQueue, ^{
        sharedInstance = [[self alloc] init];
        NSLog(@"*** Shared instance initialisation ***");
    return sharedInstance;

-(void)registerForTable:(NSNumber *)tableId {

for using it it's really simple :

[[RestaurantManager sharedInstance] registerForTable:[NsNumber numberWithInt:10]]


The accepted answer has 2 weaknesses. First, as others pointed is usage of #define which is harder to debug, use instead extern NSString* const kBaseUrl structure. Second, it defines a single file for constants. IMO, this is wrong because most of classes don't need access to those constants or to access all of them plus file can become bloated if all constants are declared there. A better solution would be to modularize constants at 3 different layers:

  1. System layer: SystemConstants.h or AppConstants.h which describes constants at global scope, which can be accessed by any class in the system. Declare here only those constants that must be accessed from different classes that are not related.

  2. Module/Sub-system layer: ModuleNameConstants.h, describes a set of constants which are typical for a set of related classes, inside of a module/sub-system.

  3. Class layer: Constants resides in the class and are used only by it.

Only 1,2 are related to the question.


An approach I've used before is to create a file Settings.plist and load it into NSUserDefaults upon launch using registerDefaults:. You can then access its contents with the following:

// Assuming you've defined some constant kMySettingKey.
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:kMySettingKey];

While I haven't done any Android development, it sounds as though this is analogous to the strings resource file you described. The only downside is that you can't use the preprocessor to swap between settings (e.g. in DEBUG mode). I suppose you could load in a different file, though.

NSUserDefaults documentation.

  • 9
    Isn't that a bit overkill when all you want is a constant?And also, why put it in a potentially modifiable file? (Especially when it's something as critical as the IP of your master server, without which your app doesn't work).
    – Cyrille
    Commented Aug 19, 2011 at 2:30
  • I feel that this approach has several benefits, the most significant being that your settings are returned in the correct format (NSString, NSNumber, etc.). Sure, you could wrap your #defines to do the same thing, but then they're not as easy to edit. The plist editing interface is nice, too. :) While I agree that you shouldn't put super secret stuff like encryption keys in there, I'm not too concerned about users who are poking around in places they shouldn't be—if they break the app, it's their own fault.
    – user94896
    Commented Aug 19, 2011 at 2:55
  • 1
    Sure, I agree with your arguments. As you say, I wrap my #defines to return the correct type, but I'm accustomed to editing such constants files, as I've always learned to put global constants like this in a separate constants file, back from the days I learnt Pascal on an old 286 :) And as to the user who pokes around everywhere, I agree too, it's their fault. It's just a matter of taste, really.
    – Cyrille
    Commented Aug 19, 2011 at 3:00
  • @Chris Doble: No, resource files in Android are not similiar to NSUserDefaults. SharedPreferences and Preferences are the Android equivalent to NSUserDefaults (though more powerful than NSUserDefaults). Resources in Android are intented to separate logic from content, as for localisation, and for many other uses.
    – mrd
    Commented Jul 23, 2014 at 14:04

For a number you can use it like

#define MAX_HEIGHT 12.5

I'd use a configuration object that initializes from a plist. Why bother other classes with irrelevant external stuff?

I created eppz!settigns soley for this reason. See article Advanced yet simple way to save to NSUserDefaults for incorporating default values from a plist.

enter image description here


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