I'm building a test for a Symfony 5.4 application.

I have created a test like this:

public function testCreateProduct() {
    $client = static::createClient();
    /** @var User $mainAdmin */
    $mainAdmin = static::getContainer()->get(UserRepository::class)->find(1);


    $crawler = $client->request('GET', '/en/product/new');

    $this->assertSelectorTextContains('span.username', $mainAdmin->getUsername());


But the login is not working, I get a 302 redirect to the login page, and if I set catchExceptions(false) I get an AccessDeniedException.

How can I debug this?

Edit: I tried to change the patch to a public route, then I did a dd($this->getUser(), $request)

getUser() is null, but the request session contains the user:

#session: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session {#16616
#storage: Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\MockFileSessionStorage {#16631
  -savePath: "C:\www\project\var\cache\test/sessions"
  #id: "a9d00704e1a0211d06ebddadfaabbf0188e9d65d94faac05afbdc63bb9fb7caa"
  #name: "MOCKSESSID"
  #started: true
  #closed: false
  #data: array:3 [
    "_sf2_attributes" => &1 array:1 [
      "_security_main" => "O:52:"Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\TestBrowserToken":2:{i:0;s:4:"main";i:1;a:5:{i:0;C:15:"App\Entity\User":118:{a:5:{i:0;i:2;i:1;s:5:"admin";i:2;s:60:"$2y$13$abcdefghi......";i:3;i:1;i:4;b:0;}}i:1;b:1;i:2;N;i:3;a:0:{}i:4;a:9:{i:0;s:9:"ROLE_USER";i:1;s:10:"ROLE_ADMIN";i:2;[...]}}}"
    "_sf2_meta" => &2 array:3 [
      "u" => 1645718565
      "c" => 1645718565
      "l" => 0
    "_symfony_flashes" => &3 []

I see a difference between $request->getSession()->getBag('attributes') done in dev (working) vs in test: in dev I have _security_secured_area, while in test I have _security_main. May this be the reason?

2 Answers 2



Since I was using a custom firewall name in security.yaml, in my case secured_area, I had to pass that as the second parameter of loginUser():

$client->loginUser($mainAdmin, 'secured_area');
  • 2
    Thanks; this saved me some time! The documentation (symfony.com/doc/6.0/…) doesn't mention this. Still, I feel stupid that I didn't notice this myself by simply checking the methods parameters. Commented Apr 2, 2022 at 12:38

Yes, using secured_area like this :

$client->loginUser($mainAdmin, 'secured_area');//call context

will rely the config/package/security.config like this :

        name: secured_area

But also, that will call (i am under symfony 7) a new database called like yours (called "db"), add "_test" : "db_test.

And also, that will ignore the .env.local, so rename it .env.test, if needed.

That don't works if i put the context name (and login way to connection, who also can be a custom_identificator with an entryPoint) in the dev section.

If i do all that, that works for me. If you know how to simplify all that, an answer will be welcome.

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