I wrote a simple code in Python using the googleapiclient library that just list my compute instances. I did not setup any authentication code, but instead, first time it ran it asked me to approve/consent/grant access and it used my already initialized and stored SDK credentials, the one I use in gcloud CLI.

I am trying to achieve the same goal but in a .NET app, using the Google.Cloud.Compute.V1 library from nuget, but I cant get to use my SDK credentials, how is that done?

I do not want to create an API key for my application, as this will no be distributed, its just a internal/test project. I need my .net code to use the authentication stored on my computer SDK

Please apologize for the explanation, I am just getting started with this...

1 Answer 1


The behavior you observed with your code using the Google Python SDK is implemented by Application Default Credentials (ADC).

There's another mechanism by which the credentials are discovered (which isn't covered in the ADC documentation) that's when gcloud auth application-default login is used and when GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is not used (and is thus unset) too.

This is likely the behavior you observed with the Python code. You'd gcloud auth application-default login and not set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

This behavior should be consistent across SDKs but using gcloud auth application-default login is increasingly discouraged. It (possibly why it's not covered by the ADC documentation):

  • (as you experience) can work "miraculously"
  • the credentials are often too broad matching your user account's

On Linux, gcloud application-default login creates ${HOME}/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json and this is the key that's used by the SDK.

I encourage you to create a Service Account to function as the identity for your code and to grant this the minimal set of IAM roles/permissions that your code needs.

When your code runs on a Google compute service (e.g. Compute Engine, Cloud Run, Kubernetes Engine...), the credentials are obtained automatically using Metadata service.

When your code runs off-GCP (e.g. locally), you can create a Service Account key and export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/key.json and SDK-based code will use these automatically.

NOTE For completeness, creating Service Account keys is also discouraged. Keys are secrets and should be treated judiciously. A recent, powerful mechanism that provides access to GCP resources for code running off-GCP is to use Workload Identity Federation

  • 1
    Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain, that does make more sense now. I was able to authenticate loading the application_default_credentials.json , although in Windows it doesn't seem to find that file right out the bath, but anyways I got what I need. For this case it doesn't make any sense to create a serviceAccount. I understand the risks and the ugliness of this method but i just need to query a bunch of services to get list of resources, its just a one time task.
    – totalZero
    Commented Feb 26, 2022 at 17:16
  • 1
    You're welcome! It's not "ugly" to do it that way. Just continue to be mindful of the risks with keys and be diligent about not checking keys into repos.
    – DazWilkin
    Commented Feb 26, 2022 at 17:19

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