I have a first activity where I create a database and insert some data. In my second activity I remove datas from my DB and the thing that I would like to know is how to reorder my row ID-s to be in consecutive order.

For example, my DB after deleting some rows looks like this: --------1-------------Question1-------------Answer1---------0 --------3-------------Question2-------------Answer2---------3 --------5-------------Question3-------------Answer3---------5

After exiting my activity, I want to look like this: --------1-------------Question1-------------Answer1---------0 --------2-------------Question2-------------Answer2---------3 --------3-------------Question3-------------Answer3---------5

Tried onDestroy() function using this


protected void onDestroy() {


  if (mDbHelper != null) {
      for(int i=0; i<mDbHelper.countRows(); i++){
              mDbHelper.updateDate(Integer.toString(i++), ggQuestions[i], ggAnswers[i], pozz++);
          }catch(Exception ex){}



where mDbHelper is my Database, my primary key is String (that's why using integer to string) and my updateDate sql function looks like this:

  mDb.execSQL("UPDATE flagtable SET _id="+_superID+", answer='"+answ+"', position="+
              Integer.toString(pozz)+" WHERE question='"+quest+"'");

I get this error: Failure 19 primary key must be unique when executing UPDATE

  • Solved by deleting all records from database and than re-inserting them...this is awful because I had to save them in seperate arrays, for bigger databases wouldn't be indicated. Anyone has a more simple method?
    – Radu Dan
    Aug 20, 2011 at 13:34
  • I don't think you can other than with a new table, but I upvoted because I would like to know also. I do know that inside your database, there is a table sqlite_sequence. I may play around with that after work.
    – Mobius
    Aug 20, 2011 at 14:13
  • Why do they need to be consecutive? Not generally done. If you have the need for some kind of surrogate consecutive order, I'd probably do it with a second column that can be updated in-place without changing the primary key of every row (and having to update any references to those primary keys in other tables...)
    – Joe
    Aug 20, 2011 at 14:49
  • I need them to be in consecutive order, because after exiting my second activity I enter my first activity and do more inserting...
    – Radu Dan
    Aug 21, 2011 at 14:15


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