newbie to C language here. I am not sure of the difference between allocating memory to a file through malloc, and doing

typedef uint8_t BYTE;
    BYTE filename[//number of bytes]

For instance reading the start of a file and checking for jpeg, we are using the latter to check for the first 4 bytes for its "signature". This involves "fread" function in order to read the first 4 bytes and temporarily store it in this place called filename. Won't I be doing the same thing with malloc? Not sure what is the exact difference between the 2.

Thanks everyone in advance for answering my question!

  • 2
    You need a good book on C. malloc is a dynamic memory allocation function. Only in the he farthest stretches of imagination is it related to file io, and there generally only when managing the memory you're transferring data to/from the file stream. There are other ways to provide memory when doing said-same io, including using automatic storage space or global/static storage space. The exceptionally brief tow lines you show is using one of those.
    – WhozCraig
    Mar 3, 2022 at 9:11
  • 1
    This question, in correct form, should be "the difference b/w memory status of malloc & memory status of predefined array of the form []." When BYTE fname[5] is used, consecutive 5 memory spaces, each 8 bytes long, will be allocated as soon as the executable is loaded into memory. When BYTE *fname = malloc(5 * sizeof(uint8_t)) is used, related 5 memory spaces will be allocated at run time, i.e. when the corresponding malloc statement is reached.
    – ssd
    Mar 3, 2022 at 9:20
  • typedef uint8_t BYTE; is horrible practice. You should use the idiomatic standardized type uint8_t and not invent some secret, local type standard.
    – Lundin
    Mar 3, 2022 at 9:50


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