I'm trying to check if my webhook works, and will implement it. So that I can receive notification when charge is confirmed (charge:confirmed)

So I created php code to check my webhook,

 public function payment() {
        try {
        $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
        $signature = hash_hmac('sha256',  $user_agent, '<SharedScreenKeyWebhook>');

        $headerName = 'x-cc-webhook-signature';

        $is_valid = hash_equals($signature, $headerName);

        if($is_valid) {
            return $is_valid;
        } else {
            return http_response_code(400);
    } catch (\Exception $exception) {
        echo 'Error occured. ' . $exception->getMessage();

if I try to access the page, it will return me something like this

Status Code based on my php code

Status Code: 200 Means valid

This is where my Shared Secret key came from, for my webhook

enter image description here

However when I tested it on my end coinbase commerce by using send test

Coinbase Commerce Send Test Button

I am getting an error.

Please take note my shared secret key already matched to my coinbase commerce account. Also I decided not to use Coinbase Commerce wrapper for laravel framework. I just want to use typical php code to implement it

Please help me out, I was able to integrate coinbase commerce on my project however, I'm having a hard time to get callback from coinbase to monitor status of payment and update my database.

1 Answer 1


I was able to solve this,

Just in case you are here. Please create an API Endpoint on your project using POST

method with

X-Cc-Webhook-Signature equivalent to your Shared API Secret Key

User-Agent currently I'm using weipay-webhooks (as per documentation)

and submit your json data for checkout

On my end I used postman to test my api end point.

enter image description here

Your PHP Code must accept X-Cc-Webhook-Signature and automatically the coinbase commerce will use your webhook link when someone purchased.

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