I'm working on something that needs to take in a contract (specified as an interface), and create a instance on the fly, without any formally defined concrete class that meets this interface.

An example of the syntax is like this:

IExampleMessage message = MessageBuilder.Create<IExampleMessage>(x => {
   x.PropertyA = "Test";
   x.PropertyB = 5;

I've seen other .NET libraries and frameworks offer behavior like this (NServiceBus comes to mind), and I'm wondering if there is a 3rd party library that abstracts the runtime code gen away. I thought Castle DynamicProxy would be a place to look, but this seems focused entirely on proxying and intercepting, and does not seem to expose the code generation aspect.

I could write up a implementation that uses Reflection.Emit to create the class on the fly, however I'd rather use a solid open source library if one exists.

Any suggestions?

  • I saw similar code in BLTookit
    – adontz
    Aug 21, 2011 at 23:45
  • I'm curious: How would interfaces with methods be supported? How do you intend to specify a custom implementation of a method with that syntax?
    – Peter O.
    Aug 21, 2011 at 23:59
  • Interfaces with methods are not supported Aug 22, 2011 at 0:15

2 Answers 2


Impromptu interface is what you need:- http://code.google.com/p/impromptu-interface/

I've used it to create polymorphic types in .NET.

You could also look at Clay.

  • I was trying to stay away from Dynamic. However that stuff is pretty cool. Aug 22, 2011 at 1:32
  • 1
    @Jonathan-Holland in the use-case you are describing wouldn't require you to actually see any usage of dynamic in your code when using impromptu (though it will be happening behind the scenes). Example implementation: public T Create<T>(Action<T> init) where T:class {var message= new ExpandoObject().ActLike<T>(); init(message); return message;}
    – jbtule
    Aug 29, 2011 at 18:13

What about the mocking libraries - NMock, and RhinoMocks?

You can add implementations to the concrete types using stubs/expectations as well.

Rhino in particular has a nice lambda based syntax for the kind of thing that you want.

Does this not full fill your needs?

Something like this?

IExampleMessage message = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IExampleMessage>();
message .Stub(x => x.PropertyA).Return("Text")    
message .Stub(x => x.PropertyB).Return(5)

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