I am currently working on a gpu server which has 4 Tesla T10 gpu's. While I keep testing the kernels and have to frequently kill the processes using ctrl-C, I added a few lines to the end of a simple device query code. The code is given below :
#include <stdio.h>
// Print device properties
void printDevProp(cudaDeviceProp devProp)
printf("Major revision number: %d\n", devProp.major);
printf("Minor revision number: %d\n", devProp.minor);
printf("Name: %s\n", devProp.name);
printf("Total global memory: %u\n", devProp.totalGlobalMem);
printf("Total shared memory per block: %u\n", devProp.sharedMemPerBlock);
printf("Total registers per block: %d\n", devProp.regsPerBlock);
printf("Warp size: %d\n", devProp.warpSize);
printf("Maximum memory pitch: %u\n", devProp.memPitch);
printf("Maximum threads per block: %d\n", devProp.maxThreadsPerBlock);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
printf("Maximum dimension %d of block: %d\n", i, devProp.maxThreadsDim[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
printf("Maximum dimension %d of grid: %d\n", i, devProp.maxGridSize[i]);
printf("Clock rate: %d\n", devProp.clockRate);
printf("Total constant memory: %u\n", devProp.totalConstMem);
printf("Texture alignment: %u\n", devProp.textureAlignment);
printf("Concurrent copy and execution: %s\n", (devProp.deviceOverlap ? "Yes" : "No"));
printf("Number of multiprocessors: %d\n", devProp.multiProcessorCount);
printf("Kernel execution timeout: %s\n", (devProp.kernelExecTimeoutEnabled ? "Yes" : "No"));
int main()
// Number of CUDA devices
int devCount;
printf("CUDA Device Query...\n");
printf("There are %d CUDA devices.\n", devCount);
// Iterate through devices
for (int i = 0; i < devCount; ++i)
// Get device properties
printf("\nCUDA Device #%d\n", i);
cudaDeviceProp devProp;
cudaGetDeviceProperties(&devProp, i);
printf("\nPress any key to exit...");
char c;
scanf("%c", &c);
**for (int i = 0; i < devCount; i++) {
return 0;
My query is related to the for loop just before the main() ends in which I set each device one by one and then use cudaResetDevice command. I get a strange feeling that this code, although doesnt produce any error but I am not able to reset all the devices. Instead, the program is resetting only the default device i.e device 0 each time. Can anyone tell me what should I do to reset each of the 4 devices.