I need to extract the last line from a number of very large (several hundred megabyte) text files to get certain data. Currently, I am using python to cycle through all the lines until the file is empty and then I process the last line returned, but I am certain there is a more efficient way to do this.

What is the best way to retrieve just the last line of a text file using python?

  • You could take a look at: stackoverflow.com/questions/136168/… It is really close to what you need.
    – Martin
    Aug 23, 2011 at 20:27
  • Is this a Python question, or would an answer using awk or sed be just as good? Aug 23, 2011 at 20:32
  • 3
    You need to supply a vital piece of information (which many answers have totally ignored): the encoding of your file. Aug 23, 2011 at 21:35
  • Only a multibyte encoding (e.g. UTF-16 or UTF-32) will break the algorithms given. Aug 24, 2011 at 5:07
  • Thanks, that got me very close and a small bit of tweaking got exactly what I need. Aug 24, 2011 at 20:04

11 Answers 11


Not the straight forward way, but probably much faster than a simple Python implementation:

line = subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', filename])
  • 2
    you'll want to add a [0:-1] at the end, somehow its adding a '\n' at the end... Jan 15, 2014 at 18:40
  • 4
    It's not a very python solution Feb 2, 2018 at 9:02
  • I liked this one a lot but used it in shared code & discovered the flaw when people use it in windows - no tail function. So my preference (python 3.7, no formatting) is ... with open(filename, 'r') as f: line = f.readlines()[-1]
    – John 9631
    May 10, 2019 at 22:22
  • 2
    @John9631, your solution is very slow since readlines() are reading all lines in RAM, if the file size is in GB, that will give MEMORY error!
    – Anu
    Jul 5, 2019 at 22:48
  • 2
    does windows support tail ? Jun 14, 2020 at 5:49
with open('output.txt', 'r') as f:
    lines = f.read().splitlines()
    last_line = lines[-1]
    print last_line
  • 1
    best solution and quick one
    – salah
    Mar 29, 2019 at 12:56
  • 48
    Doesn't work very well when you're dealing with GB text files and all you need is a last line check. Jun 7, 2019 at 19:32
  • 7
    I think this is not effeciently when work with a very large text file. Nov 6, 2019 at 9:05
  • 1
    IndexError: list index out of range is any way to store more data
    – Mr Coder
    Mar 30, 2020 at 19:14
  • You should check if lines: in case the file is empty before accessing index -1
    – Katu
    Nov 12, 2021 at 11:15

Use the file's seek method with a negative offset and whence=os.SEEK_END to read a block from the end of the file. Search that block for the last line end character(s) and grab all the characters after it. If there is no line end, back up farther and repeat the process.

def last_line(in_file, block_size=1024, ignore_ending_newline=False):
    suffix = ""
    in_file.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
    in_file_length = in_file.tell()
    seek_offset = 0

    while(-seek_offset < in_file_length):
        # Read from end.
        seek_offset -= block_size
        if -seek_offset > in_file_length:
            # Limit if we ran out of file (can't seek backward from start).
            block_size -= -seek_offset - in_file_length
            if block_size == 0:
            seek_offset = -in_file_length
        in_file.seek(seek_offset, os.SEEK_END)
        buf = in_file.read(block_size)

        # Search for line end.
        if ignore_ending_newline and seek_offset == -block_size and buf[-1] == '\n':
            buf = buf[:-1]
        pos = buf.rfind('\n')
        if pos != -1:
            # Found line end.
            return buf[pos+1:] + suffix

        suffix = buf + suffix

    # One-line file.
    return suffix

Note that this will not work on things that don't support seek, like stdin or sockets. In those cases, you're stuck reading the whole thing (like the tail command does).

  • 1
    I think this answer only works properly in Python 2. At least, it didn't work for me in Python 3, because you can't seek relative from the end of a text file in Python 3 (throws an io exception). To update this to Python 3: use a binary file, then you have to use byte arrays instead of strings for buf (make sure you compare buf[-1:] == b'\n'). You can use suffix.decode('utf-8') to return a string, if you're sure it's utf-8 encoded. Jan 7, 2020 at 2:04

If you do know the maximal length of a line, you can do

def getLastLine(fname, maxLineLength=80):
    fp=file(fname, "rb")
    fp.seek(-maxLineLength-1, 2) # 2 means "from the end of the file"
    return fp.readlines()[-1]

This works on my windows machine. But I do not know what happens on other platforms if you open a text file in binary mode. The binary mode is needed if you want to use seek().

  • 2
    And if you don't know the maximum line length? Aug 23, 2011 at 20:28
  • 1
    both this and mike's answer are "the right way to do it", but have issues for anything other than simple (single byte, eg ASCII) text encodings. unicode can have multi-byte characters, so in that case (1) you don't know the relative offset in bytes for a given maximum length in characters and (2) you may seek into "the middle" of a character. Aug 23, 2011 at 20:31
  • 1
    @andrew, the end-of-line byte code in UTF-8 will still be unique even if you start in the middle of a character. That's one of the beauties of UTF-8. Aug 23, 2011 at 20:35
  • 1
    @andrew: UTF-8 can sync midstream because the bytes in the representation of a code point >= U+80 all have the high bit set. Therefore, if the high bit is clear, it's a low-ASCII character. This makes us parser writers happy. On the other hand, there are formats such as Shift-JIS, which encode non-low-ASCII characters as two bytes, but only the first byte is guaranteed to have a high bit set. Luckily, they didn't use control characters for the second byte. Aug 24, 2011 at 5:02
  • 1
    file() is not supported in Python 3 Use open() instead; Aug 7, 2020 at 9:50

If you can pick a reasonable maximum line length, you can seek to nearly the end of the file before you start reading.

myfile.seek(-max_line_length, os.SEEK_END)
line = myfile.readlines()[-1]
  • I think you have to go one byte further in seek, because readlines() includes the line terminator. Aug 23, 2011 at 20:30

Seek to the end of the file minus 100 bytes or so. Do a read and search for a newline. If here is no newline, seek back another 100 bytes or so. Lather, rinse, repeat. Eventually you'll find a newline. The last line begins immediately after that newline.

Best case scenario you only do one read of 100 bytes.


The inefficiency here is not really due to Python, but to the nature of how files are read. The only way to find the last line is to read the file in and find the line endings. However, the seek operation may be used to skip to any byte offset in the file. You can, therefore begin very close to the end of the file, and grab larger and larger chunks as needed until the last line ending is found:

from os import SEEK_END

def get_last_line(file):
  CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 # Would be good to make this the chunk size of the filesystem

  last_line = ""

  while True:
    # We grab chunks from the end of the file towards the beginning until we 
    # get a new line
    file.seek(-len(last_line) - CHUNK_SIZE, SEEK_END)
    chunk = file.read(CHUNK_SIZE)

    if not chunk:
      # The whole file is one big line
      return last_line

    if not last_line and chunk.endswith('\n'):
      # Ignore the trailing newline at the end of the file (but include it 
      # in the output).
      last_line = '\n'
      chunk = chunk[:-1]

    nl_pos = chunk.rfind('\n')
    # What's being searched for will have to be modified if you are searching
    # files with non-unix line endings.

    last_line = chunk[nl_pos + 1:] + last_line

    if nl_pos == -1:
      # The whole chunk is part of the last line.

    return last_line
  • 1
    file.seek(-n, os.SEEK_END) will raise IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument if n is greater than the file size. Aug 23, 2011 at 21:16

Here's a slightly different solution. Instead of multi-line, I focused on just the last line, and instead of a constant block size, I have a dynamic (doubling) block size. See comments for more info.

# Get last line of a text file using seek method.  Works with non-constant block size.  
# IDK if that speed things up, but it's good enough for us, 
# especially with constant line lengths in the file (provided by len_guess), 
# in which case the block size doubling is not performed much if at all.  Currently,
# we're using this on a textfile format with constant line lengths.
# Requires that the file is opened up in binary mode.  No nonzero end-rel seeks in text mode.
def lastTextFileLine(file, len_guess=1):
    file.seek(-1, REL_FILE_END)      # 1 => go back to position 0;  -1 => 1 char back from end of file
    text = file.read(1)
    tot_sz = 1              # store total size so we know where to seek to next rel file end
    if text != b'\n':        # if newline is the last character, we want the text right before it
        file.seek(0, REL_FILE_END)    # else, consider the text all the way at the end (after last newline)
        tot_sz = 0
    blocks = []           # For storing succesive search blocks, so that we don't end up searching in the already searched
    j = file.tell()          # j = end pos
    not_done = True
    block_sz = len_guess
    while not_done:
        if j < block_sz:   # in case our block doubling takes us past the start of the file (here j also = length of file remainder)
            block_sz = j
            not_done = False
        tot_sz += block_sz
        file.seek(-tot_sz, REL_FILE_END)         # Yes, seek() works with negative numbers for seeking backward from file end
        text = file.read(block_sz)
        i = text.rfind(b'\n')
        if i != -1:
            text = text[i+1:].join(reversed(blocks))
            return str(text)
            block_sz <<= 1    # double block size (converge with open ended binary search-like strategy)
            j = j - block_sz      # if this doesn't work, try using tmp j1 = file.tell() above
    return str(b''.join(reversed(blocks)))      # if newline was never found, return everything read

Ideally, you'd wrap this in a class LastTextFileLine and keep track of a moving average of line lengths. This would give you a good len_guess maybe.


Could you load the file into a mmap, then use mmap.rfind(string[, start[, end]]) to find the second last EOL character in the file? A seek to that point in the file should point you to the last line I would think.

lines = file.readlines()
last_line = lines[-1]
  • 2
    Gah! Don't ever do lines[len(lines) -1]. That's an O(n) operation. lines[-1] will get the last one. Besides, this isn't any better than the approach he's already using.
    – g.d.d.c
    Aug 23, 2011 at 20:20
  • Oops, my mistake! This method actually is more efficient though.
    – Jon Martin
    Aug 23, 2011 at 20:21
  • 11
    @g.d.d.c: lines[len(lines)-1] is not O(n) (unless lines is a user-defined type with an O(n) implementation of __len__, but that's not the case here). While it's bad style, lines[len(lines)-1] has a practically identical runtime cost as lines[-1]; the only difference is whether the index calculation is done explicitly in script or implicitly by the runtime. Aug 23, 2011 at 20:23
  • This, however, sounds very memory inefficient, as you have to read a possibly large file into memory before performing said O(1) operation. Oct 19, 2018 at 10:37

count = 0

f = open('last_line1','r')

for line in f.readlines():

    line = line.strip()

    count = count + 1

    print line

print count


count1 = 0

h = open('last_line1','r')

for line in h.readlines():

    line = line.strip()

    count1 = count1 + 1

    if count1 == count:

       print line         #-------------------- this is the last line


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