Trying to create user using from golang using library "google.golang.org/api/admin/directory/v1"

As docs sad here https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/users#User hashFunction could be MD5, DES, SHA2-256, SHA2-512, so i'm writing code:

hash := sha512.Sum512([]byte("random password value))
encoded := hex.EncodeToString(hash[:])

payload := &admin.User{
    Password:     "$6$" + encoded,
    HashFunction: "SHA2-512"

This results: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid Hash Function Name, invalid

So how to understand, whats wrong with hash function name ?

2 Answers 2


So, i found here https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/admin/directory_v1/python/latest/admin_directory_v1.users.html#insert that right now only supported SHA-1, crypt and MD5, so documentation is wrong, and for SHA2 hashes use string "crypt" as hashFunction value and add to password corresponding crypt prefix ( for example for SHA2-512 add $6$ to hex encoded value )


For me, I had to also include a salt, for the backend to accept the password (not sure if this is dependent on the domain). Otherwise I got the error "googleapi: Error 400: Invalid Password, invalid" when trying to call users.insert.

For example, if using SHA-256, the crypt format is:


Pseudo-code example:

salt := "some random string"
password := "I'm a password <= 100 chars"
hash = sha256sum(passsword + salt)

crypt := "$5$" + hexEncode(salt) + "$" + hexEncode(password)

The magic number$5$ depends on the hash function used.

  • Use $1$ for DES, or MD5
  • Use $5$ for SHA-256
  • Use $6$ for SHA-512

Then the hashFunction is set to crypt.

From: https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/directory/reference/rest/v1/users#User

More about the c crypt lib (not to be confused with the Unix utility of the same name), with valid hash examples that can be tested: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypt_%28C%29

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