I need to display flash in the same view (:edit) after successfully updating an object. If I redirect to another action - everything works correctly. But when I need to stay in :edit - doesn't work. Can someone explain to me what is my mistake... Thanks!

I have the following snippet of code in my controller:

  def edit
    @setting = Setting.find_by(slug: current_user)

  def update
    @setting = Setting.find_by(slug: current_user)

    if @setting.update(settings_params)
      flash[:success] = I18n.t('admin.settings.edit.success')
      flash[:danger] = I18n.t('admin.settings.edit.not_saved')

    redirect_to edit_admin_setting_url(user: current_user)


scope ":user/" do
  namespace :admin do
    resource :setting, only: [:edit, :update]

And edit.html.erb

      <% if flash[:success].present? %>
        <div class="<%= classes + "alert-success" %>">
          <%= icon("fas", "check") %>

          <%= flash[:success] %>

          <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
            <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
      <% end %>

I also tried:

flash.now[:success] = I18n.t('admin.settings.edit.success')
render :edit

Doesn't work either.

1 Answer 1


In Rails 7 turbo expects POST / PUT / PATCH form submissions to redirect, usually that's create and update controller actions.

To render a template, the response has to have an invalid status, like :unprocessable_entity, otherwise turbo shows an error in the browser console:

turbo.es2017-esm.js:2115 Error: Form responses must redirect to another location
    at k.requestSucceededWithResponse (turbo.es2017-esm.js:679)
    at A.receive (turbo.es2017-esm.js:450)
    at A.perform (turbo.es2017-esm.js:431)

Rails 7 signup form doesn't show error messages

This is one way to set up an update action:

# GET /:user/admin/setting/edit
# renders edit.html.erb
def edit
  @setting = Setting.find_by(slug: current_user)

# PATCH /:user/admin/setting
# redirects to user on success
# renders edit.html.erb on failure
def update
  @setting = Setting.find_by(slug: current_user)

  if @setting.update(settings_params)
                                # when setting updated

    flash[:success] = "Success" # set a message to show on the next request;
                                # we have to redirect to another url

    redirect_to user_url(current_user)
                                # redirect some place else, like user profile
                                # this means we're done with `update` action 
                                # and with current request

  else                          # when update/validation failed
                                # we cannot redirect, because we'll loose our
                                # invalid object and all validation errors
                                # NOTE: sometimes if redirect is required
                                #       errors can be assigned to `flash`

    flash.now[:danger] = "Oops" # set a message to show in this request; 
                                # we have to render a response
                                # NOTE: this might be unnecessary, because form
                                #       will also show validation errors

    render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity
                                # render edit.html.erb template,
                                # this means we're staying in `update` action 
                                # and in current request
                                # NOTE: this has nothing to do with `edit`
                                #       action at the top

You can also use rails generators to get a quick starting code and an example of how everything works.

bin/rails generate scaffold Sample name email
bin/rails db:migrate
  • 1
    You saved me, damn. I don't think turbo expects btw, turbo demands. If you don't include the status, Rails won't display your flash.now message at all and there's no error in the browser console. Commented Apr 23, 2022 at 17:20

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