For the following Gatling simulation

class DeviceSimulation extends Simulation {

  var devices: List[Device] = List[Device]()

  before {
    // Preparing data.
    devices = DataFetch.getDevices()

   // Feed device
  val devicesFeederCont: Iterator[Map[String, Device]] = Iterator.continually(devices.map(d => {
    Map("device" -> d)
  val devicesFeederToKarate: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("feederDeviceToKarate").exec(karateSet("device", session => session("device").as[Device]))

  val Devices: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("Device")

    Devices.inject(rampUsers(5).during(5 seconds))

I would like to be able to inject Device object inside my feature:

Feature: Device actions

    * url 'https://server-host'
    * print 'Device obj: ', device

  Scenario: Device actions

    Given path '/api/device/name/', device.name
    When method GET
    Then status 200

But, although for the Background print I get: c.intuit.karate - [print] Device obj: Device(1234,989898989), for the GET request I have: GET /api/device/name/com.intuit.karate.graal.JsExecutable@333d7..

I mention that Device is just a case class with two fields: case class Device(id: Int, name: String).

Is there a way to properly use objects passed from feeder inside Karate features?

1 Answer 1


Right now we've tested only with primitive values passed into the Gatling session. It may work if you convert the data into a java.util.Map. So maybe your best bet is to write some toMap() function on your data-object. Or if you manage to emit a JSON string, there is a karate.fromString() helper that can be useful.

So please read the docs here and figure out what works: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/tree/master/karate-gatling#gatling-session

You are most welcome to contribute code to improve the state of things.

  • 1
    I confirm it worked by passing a java.util.Map. Thanks for the tip.
    – Victor T
    Commented Apr 12, 2022 at 8:55

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