I am having an issue implementing Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore. I am working with .NET Core 3.1 and I am trying to get a SSRS report hosted on a Sharepoint server. However, when the code attempts to set the report parameters, or when it attempts to render the report, I get this error:

System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.SoapReportExecutionService.get_Service()' to access method 'Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.MonitoredScope.New(System.String)' failed.

at Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.SoapReportExecutionService.get_Service()
at Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.SoapReportExecutionService.SetExecutionId(String executionId)
at Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.ServerReport.ApplyExecutionIdToService(IReportExecutionService service)
at Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.ServerReport.get_Service() at Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.ServerReport.EnsureExecutionSession() at Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore.ServerReport.SetParameters(IEnumerable`1 parameters) at LPWebAPICore.Models.ReportGeneratorModel.GetReportBytes(String ReportPath, ReportParameter[] Params) in C:\Users\jhutchings\source\repos\LPWebAPICore\LPWebAPICore\LPWebAPICore\Models\ReportGeneratorModel.cs:line 319 at LPWebAPICore.Models.ReportGeneratorModel.GenerateReport(String ReportPath, String[] ParamNames, String[] ParamValues) in C:\Users\jhutchings\source\repos\LPWebAPICore\LPWebAPICore\LPWebAPICore\Models\ReportGeneratorModel.cs:line 279 at LPWebAPICore.Controllers.ReportGeneratorController.PrintReport(String Report, String Printer, String[] ParamName, String[] ParamValue) in C:\Users\jhutchings\source\repos\LPWebAPICore\LPWebAPICore\LPWebAPICore\Controllers\ReportGeneratorController.cs:line 73

I am building the server report as such, And I am attempting to set the parameters and render the report using this code

public ServerReport GetReportViewer(string reportPath)
    ServerReport report = new ServerReport
            ReportServerCredentials = {
                NetworkCredentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
            ReportServerUrl = new Uri(GetReportServerURL()),
            ReportPath = $"{reportPath}"

    return report;

private byte[] GetReportBytes(string ReportPath, ReportParameter[] Params = null)
    ServerReport rv = GetReportViewer(ReportPath);

    if (Params == null) 
        return rv.Render("PDF");


    return rv.Render("PDF");
  • Microsoft never made a report viewer for .NET Core. What is Microsoft.Reporting.NETCore ? Apr 15, 2022 at 19:41
  • github.com/lkosson/reportviewercore
    – jhutchings
    Apr 15, 2022 at 19:46
  • You're getting an exception deep inside an open source project. Have you tried searching the Github repo for any matching issues? Or opening an issue there? Apr 15, 2022 at 19:55
  • Or indeed, as this open source, just set your debugger settings to 'break when exception is thrown' and you'll see exactly what the problem is.
    – stuartd
    Apr 15, 2022 at 21:43


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