I'm trying to make a frequency analyzer using a windowed fourier series in flash, but the size of my window greatly affects magnitude of the coefficients.
I'm using a formula from a textbook to calculate the coefficients at every frame:
Ak = SUM { cos(freq*n*deltax) * pcmFloatValue}
Bk = SUM { sin(freq*n*deltax) * pcmFloatValue}
Where deltax is the time interval in between samples, and pcmFloatValue is the time domain value at *n*deltax*. In the textbook, the integral limits are 0 to 2PI, and the integral is then divided by PI...but I thought I could use it for any interval and eliminate the division.
so my code to get the magnitude of the frequency is here:
var deltax:Number = 1 / 44100;
var sumCos:Number = 0;
var sumSin:Number = 0;
var c:Number = 0;
while (frameba.bytesAvailable > 32) {
//trace("getMag", frameba.bytesAvailable);
var freq:Number = (number / (2 * Math.PI));
var sample:Number = frameba.readFloat();
sumCos += sample * deltax;
sumCos *= Math.cos(freq * c * deltax)
sumSin += sample * deltax;
sumSin *=Math.sin(freq * c * deltax)
return Math.sqrt(sumCos * sumCos + sumSin * sumSin);
number is frequency in Hz, and frameba is a mono sampling of the audio at 44100 hz. I call this function every frameba I grab, which corresponds to this code:
var endCounter:Number = int(s.length / number); //get number of frames
frameData = new Array();
for ( var i:Number = 0; i < endCounter-1; i++) {
var frameba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var frameSize:Number = int((number / 1000) * 44100) * 4;
monoba.readBytes(frameba, 0, frameSize);// grab new frame
frameba.position = 0;
var mag:Number=getMag(512, frameba); //this function is the code snippet i posted before this one
So the problem is that the magnitude of the two coefficients gets extremely large when I change the window sometimes, and it's not linear. When the window is 42 milliseconds I get values like this:
When I set it to 100ms:
When I set it to 500ms:
So it doesn't keep increasing in average size. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not, am I thinking about this correctly?