I am in need of assistance. I have some data that looks similar to this.

   Machine   Start      Stop           ServiceType 
1       XX 2014-12-04       <NA>          AA
2       XX 2013-09-05 2013-11-05          BB
3       XX 2013-11-21 2014-09-25          BB
4       XX 2013-10-11 2014-11-18          BB
5       XX 2021-12-03       <NA>          AA
6       XX 2020-08-06 2022-09-15          AA
7       XX 2021-06-10       <NA>          BB
8       YY 2020-01-17       <NA>          BB
9       YY 2015-11-04 2018-04-30          BB
10      YY 2016-05-28 2019-03-21          BB
11      YY 2019-09-27       <NA>          BB
12      YY 2018-01-05       <NA>          AA

So what I would like to do is generate a new variable, say Maintenance or something, that's either AA or BB if only one service types is active or CC if both AA and BB are overlapping. Like,

   Machine   Date          Maintenance        
1       XX 2013-09-05          BB
2       XX 2013-11-21          BB
3       XX 2013-10-11          AA
4       XX 2014-12-04          CC   
5       XX 2021-12-03          AA
6       YY 2015-11-04          BB
7       YY 2016-05-28          CC
8       YY 2020-01-17          BB

I have been working with dplyr and lubridate but I am a bit unsure how to perform this task, any help would be kind.

ps. NA's in this case can be considered a machine is on that service forever.

  • 1
    There are twelve unique Start values but only eight rows in your output. How are you filtering? Almost the same, how are you determining the output Date values?
    – r2evans
    Apr 29, 2022 at 19:47
  • 2
    The condition for creating a new variable is unclear here, how should Maintenance be set?
    – HoelR
    Apr 29, 2022 at 19:54
  • Hi, sorry for the confusion. The conditions would be if ServiceType is AA, then Maintenance is set to AA. If ServiceType is BB, then Maintenance is set to BB. Now, considering there's dates where these two service types may overlap, i.e. AA & BB, then Maintenance would be set to CC. Also, regarding the type of output for Date I am unsure how to properly work with dates in R. Having only one time-variable would help with plotting/summarising later on though.
    – Puckz
    Apr 29, 2022 at 20:16
  • Row 5 and 7 overlaps but why is it not CC?
    – Maël
    Apr 29, 2022 at 20:26

1 Answer 1


There are some inconsistencies in your question (some variables do overlap but they are considered separate in your expected output), here's a way to group by overlapping values and get somewhat your expected output. This solution uses the ivs, tidyverse, and lubridate libraries:


df %>% 
  mutate(Stop = ifelse(Stop == "<NA>", Start, Stop),
         across(c(Start, Stop), ymd),
         Stop = if_else(Stop == Start, Stop + days(1), Stop),
         ivs = iv(Start, Stop)) %>% 
  group_by(Machine, gp = iv_identify_group(ivs)) %>% 
  summarise(ServiceType = toString(unique(ServiceType)),) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
  mutate(gp = iv_start(gp),
         ServiceType = ifelse(ServiceType %in% c("BB, AA", "AA, BB"), "CC", ServiceType))

# A tibble: 6 × 3
  gp         Machine ServiceType
  <date>     <chr>   <chr>      
1 2013-09-05 XX      BB         
2 2014-12-04 XX      AA         
3 2020-08-06 XX      CC         
4 2015-11-04 YY      CC         
5 2019-09-27 YY      BB         
6 2020-01-17 YY      BB         


df <- read.table(header = T, text = "   Machine   Start      Stop           ServiceType 
1       XX 2014-12-04       NA          AA
2       XX 2013-09-05 2013-11-05          BB
3       XX 2013-11-21 2014-09-25          BB
4       XX 2013-10-11 2014-11-18          BB
5       XX 2021-12-03       <NA>          AA
6       XX 2020-08-06 2022-09-15          AA
7       XX 2021-06-10       <NA>          BB
8       YY 2020-01-17       <NA>          BB
9       YY 2015-11-04 2018-04-30          BB
10      YY 2016-05-28 2019-03-21          BB
11      YY 2019-09-27       <NA>          BB
12      YY 2018-01-05       <NA>          AA
  • Thanks. I did not get the exact output that you posted, but then again my expected output was subpar. I'll tinker some with this and hopefully I'll get it going. Thanks again for the help!
    – Puckz
    Apr 29, 2022 at 21:47

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